I am a little bit confused. Firstly, she had sex with two men in one night or she just laid in the same bed as two men in one night? Secondly, red haired guy wants to do what?
Ah I get it. The kid emperor doesn't want his mother to be lonely so he is assigning consorts left and right to her. Since she is deeply in love with the emperor, she can't seem to sleep with anyone.
There's mistery until now. What the late emperor do in the past so the empress need to hide it, how can Zhou and empress relationship ended in the past, how mc be the empress, and empress background still not clear yet.
@RubyG8396 as far as I understand it she doesn’t sleep with anyone but acts like it and everyone thinks she does sleep with the men (I don’t know fully so please take my words with a grain of salt)
P.s: sorry for getting back to you so late 🤗
@PiNKwaTERboTTle Don't worry about it. I agree with you though. It seems to be the only explanation that makes sense, plus I think they said something similar in earlier chapters.