Empress's Harem - Ch. 142

Sep 16, 2020
It's not fair to get irritated at someone for wanting to have children. It is, however, fair to get angry at someone who tries to remove your autonomy and force you into having children for their own purposes without your consent. Granted, he doesn't know about the drugging bit, but the MC absolutely has a right to her own body!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Blue_Robin So him wanting children is wrong? And the men in this manga are pitiful too since they can't get a divorce by themselves. In real life, if one spouse didn't want children, it often leads to argument and divorce.
Oct 31, 2020
A person can have the desire of having children. But against her will by giving her an addictive drug... Well, Master Li, you won't have it easy at our Princess palace.
May 30, 2020
She's lucky Fei Yue is there to remind her. Yes she can get furious if she's forced to get pregnant, but leaving a husband alone in his one and only wedding night is too much. She could give the husband and servant a warning that they deserve, as harsh as she want. She could also refrain from doing him as punishment. But don't leave him alone. That's too cruel...

I know now that Fei Yue is the best choice, tho I don't know if this will be like this till the end because we don't know about the other male back story yet 😅

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