Off the top of my head
No progression to the Hadar's sister subplot, instead, he somehow is convinced by his own flashback and not someone else to stop caring about the sister and do his own thing.
Eastern conflict was set up and dropped instantly like the author introduced it too early
Demon prejudice/war conflict including Tink mentioned and dropped
Secret cult that is lead up to be the major bad guy for the majority of the story is blackmailed and destroyed in the last arc with no major conflict from the leader and minimal resistance from the members, we still don't know what the fuck their deal was other than "study magic" and "capture Ram" and why they gained so much followship and fanaticism
Said cult is immediately captured after this and just shares it's research nonchalantly
End of the world never properly explained other than as a plot device to kill Ram
Ram starts plot dumping his past in the last few chapters in disconnected and barely fleshed out stories (meeting first knight, Notch beginning, all these hyped up things concluded in one chapter each)