Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this guy? I mean, I get that there's a stigma against erotic magic and he just wants to be a normal magician and use 'cooler' magic... but he clearly has no talent for it. However, Meryl is telling him the magic that he DOES have talent for, it just happens to be erotic magic. So, rather than make the best of his situation and learn the magic that he is able to use, he wants to instead run away from reality like a whiny baby.
And that's not even mentioning the whole 'getting to bang hot chicks' aspect of his magic. I will never understand this whole Japanese sentiment of a lustless male teen. It makes zero sense.
Edit: After finishing the chapter, I do understand his hesitation to use erotic magic more now (he doesn't want to force girls to do stuff they don't want to and he thinks it's illegal?), but he's still being a whiny baby about it. And that whole getting upset about being called a virgin when he is obviously acting like one is just stupid. Glad to see he finally realized that he needs to start accepting this though.