Everything Was a Mistake - Ch. 23

Jul 10, 2020
I refuse to be sympathetic to Nocton until he stops calling her Valrose. We know that's how his mind control works. Even if it's not effective he's still trying. Only when he stops this can they have a relationship.
Oct 4, 2020
haha! I received a slap in the face when he said "I don't kill people" (meaning Aaron). I roasted Edgar and almost dropped this manga because I thought he tried to kill Aaron before, but now I've been slapped... I'm REALLY dumb TT~TT
But now I see the light! (╯✧ ∇ ✧)╯
Feb 6, 2019
The ml doesn't even deserve the mc.

He is basicly worse then a murderer. Not even remaining yourself is a worse fate then death. And no kind of fucked up childhood or goal can and ever will justify his actions.

She even sees him using his power. If he really wanted to even change a bit he would have stopped using his power and get the punishment for his crimes.

And that arrogance... I wont use it on those two anymore just tells us you will continue using it an everyone else... Someone who isn't even able to try bettering himself also doesn't deserve to get any pitty or forgiveness.
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
For me I think it has something to do with how the characters' expression are drawn.. They look so stiff so I can't sympathize with them lol

Thanks for the update A Parody scans!
Aug 28, 2020
ok like I get it, but at the same time Im annoyed with both for the lack of communication. And the side characters...you make everything even more complicated 😔
Oct 29, 2019
I'm conflicted with all the characters tho (FL, ML, Alice, Aaron,etc)... I'm annoyed/frustrated with them and at the same time I understood all their reasons and circumstances.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 14, 2020
No one to root for and all predestined scenes are scrambled and out of sync. Nocton does what he does to survive regardless of the method; Alice believes in her righteousness because of her visions (that are not playing out the way she believes they are); Aaron is trying to pursue justice but can't figure out if he is just an accomplice or something else; and our wild card, the x-factor, the plot nexus: Duroa Valrose. It's been a while since I could just sit back and just enjoy the drama without quite knowing how the next panels will play out because of the human elements in them.
Nov 18, 2020
What DOES Nocton consider Duroa to be in his life? Why has he staunchly insisted he doesn't think of her as a friend? What DOES he think a friend is???
Dec 11, 2020
this is so complicated...not everything was ml's fault. after all, the way he lived was what made him became like this. i hate his family than hating ml bec ml was trying to change now
Dec 1, 2019
Whenever anything bad happens in one of these stories, or whenever anyone does anything seemingly stupid or thoughtless; the readers always blame lack of communication. I agree with them, the vast majority of their problems would be solved if the characters just talked to each other. With all their problems resolved the characters would all be happy, we'd get our happy ending and the story would end. Or there would be no story to begin with. That's not the point of a story.
A lot of readers seem to assume that they would never make those mistakes, that they'd be so much smarter. These are characters with different personalities and varying backgrounds. Dunoa, the MC, is reincarnated, she is predisposed to not telling people certain things because they would not believe her. Alice has prophetic dreams that she has 100% faith in despite the fact that they haven't all come true. Thus she believes that since Nocton did bad things in those dreams, he is 100% a villain with nothing more than purely evil motivations. Nocton grew up isolated and scorned by EVERYONE besides Dunoa. No one ever took him seriously until he took away their choice to. Communicating is something he doesn't quite understand because no one has tried with him. Even Dunoa just let him test her and never said anything about how she felt about it until now.
It's because these characters are who they are that they aren't going to explain and fix the problem quickly. It makes them, shockingly, good characters.
Mar 7, 2019
@that_weeb_one - Very well-said. I'm really enjoying the narrative so far. Everything is so mysterious and each characters have their motives. I can't wait to read more about this story.
Aug 18, 2020
The suspense tho. It's frustrating but at the same time this situation is understandable. I appreciate the author for making this amazing plot and character background😳

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