I usually hate misunderstandings so much in comics, but I think this is a really fun twist on the trope. Yeah, Nocton really does value Duroa, but he was never honest with her and never trusted her. He’s obviously got a lot of trauma, but because neither of them have that basis of trust, just like she said, she has every reason to be afraid of him. He has believed this whole time that she would abandon him if she found out about his secret, so he’s not even fighting for her, he’s just sort of... making the smallest of efforts in protest. I really like that Duroa keeps confronting him, trying to get to the bottom of things, but it’s Nocton’s preconceptions and fear that prevent him from communicating in a way she can understand. It’s sad, but it’s a bittersweet sort of angst that I can enjoy. I know everything will get solved eventually and I’m enjoying the ride.