Everything Was a Mistake - Ch. 35

Oct 29, 2019
With her stubborn attitude, no matter how Nocton explained, she will still not believe him 🤦 The MC only knows how to talk loudly... but remains as damsel-in-distress and flower vase among her friends.

I only want to continue reading bc I want to see Alice's reaction when she discovers that Aaron is Ed.
Sep 11, 2019
I'm so done with this manhwa. Litteraly every problems they have would be resolve if they just sit down and talk to each other.
May 24, 2019
Ugh Valrose is stupid. Till now her actions were understandable but with this chapter all her intelligence is gone. *sighs*
May 10, 2020
Just waiting for it to click with everyone that she's immune. Seriously her striving to stay angry blinds her badly.
Group Leader
Dec 3, 2020
I kinda understand why people are getting angry at this point because it's getting frustrating a Little but . If our kind ML wasnt acting like an idiot when they were Little and didnt do all that stuff at the start maybe Duroa could trust him.
Feb 2, 2020
Lol I read the comments every update to see if I want to start reading it again and looks like I’ll wait some more 💀💀
Oct 2, 2020
I feel Duroa is completely justified in her anger here, she spent years trying to build up her friendship with Nocton, and for so long Nocton refused to call her by her first name and is only now acknowledging their relationship as adults. Nocton fucked up big time and his friendship with Durou is breaking it off as a result.

What was left for Durou to admit she messed up even befriending him and remembered more of the fragments of the book she once read but couldn't recall. Of how Nocton was the villain. What else is she supposed to think. Nocton's actions confuse her and only now is he putting some real effort into trying to be friends. Yeah of course she calls bull. What if it was a trick or something?

Nocton himself admitted he tried to brainwash her, of course, she's upset by that. And it feeds into her theories and what she's getting from her past memories and others. Her accusations seemed pretty valid especially the one about the brainwashing even as we the readers know the truth.

Remember Duroa doesn't know her immunity, she assumes the brainwashing just wore off and is taken measures now to prevent it from occurring again. Even Nocton thinks he still brainwashed her or something. And considering Nocton's treatment of her when she was younger, as brasher and dismissive. She doesn't know the extent of how Nocton was treated or thinking. Nocton doesn't exactly make that obvious.

Of course, she is going to stick with the OG main leads especially when they seem to respect and try to help her.
Despite our suspicions as the readers otherwise. Because we see the story as a foregone conclusion that they will end up together.
Group Leader
Aug 25, 2020
Huh....I'm giving up. What they're doing here is ridiculous. They could've talked it out properly by now, and then the main characters show up. Why are they there anyway? They don't add much to the story, they just hold Duroa and Nocton back. 😅

All these misunderstandings and explanations are too much. Yes, Nocton did wrong, be punished for it, I understand that. But listen to the poor guy, Duroa! You're not perfect either!
Thanks for the translation! 😉
Nov 30, 2019
aight. I've had enough with this back and forth. It's just really pissing me off at this point. I hate when misunderstandings or plot points that the reader knows already are being dragged out endlessly in stories.
Jul 28, 2020
One step forward, two steps back lol
I’m not mad because I’m still interested in the story, I just hope the turn around is reeeeeaaaaaally good.
Apr 15, 2020
damn it aaron and alice just had to come at the "right" time. UGHGHGH THEY NEED TO TALK THIS OUT. SERIOUSLY. Tbh both have flaws, all they just have to do is let out their thoughts and understand eachother. duroa you need to give nocton time and talk it out for a set time for the whole day, while nocton you need to explain everything, leave nothing, even a slight thing that you don't explain might crush duroa's trust for you completely. they just need TIME. lol if i were there i would lock them up in the same room and let them out once they sort thing up. hmmmmmm i trust nocton to not do anything to duroa both mentally and physically.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2019
he already confessed.. how bout u?
when r u gonna tell him that u approach him and put up with his bullshit because u thought he was the real ml?
Sep 26, 2020
I know it's annoying and frustrating because of the misunderstanding. But don't forget, everyone, the title is 'Everything was a mistake'. 😂
Sep 7, 2019
idk. i thought in the first few chapters that i could deal w the level of misunderstandings/miscommunication bc i liked both the leads individually, and i still do like them both?? but at this point i don’t like them together, and i’m not seeing why they should be.

once again gonna quote andrea greb’s you are not blair waldorf to say: “Just because two people are capable of deeply hurting each other over and over again does not make them passionate, star-crossed lovers. It makes them two people who keep doing terrible things to each other. Someone’s ability to make you completely and utterly soul-crushingly miserable does not mean they are a soulmate with some deep insight into your psyche. They are just someone who is really good at making you unhappy.”

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