Everything Was a Mistake

Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2018
PAIN AND SUFFERING... not just for nocton... FOR ALL THE READERS!
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2018
To be honest, one of the main reasons I read this was because of the title LOL. There are many weird and nonsensical titles when it comes to the whole 'reincarnated into a novel trope' but this one is one of the more hilarious ones. It's great cause it tells you exactly what you're getting into lmao.

Now, in terms of stories of this genre, I think this one is... not bad. The storytelling is not that great though... its' flow is strange and sometimes it's hard to understand what the characters are even talking about. I'm not sure whether it's intentional or it's just bad adaptation (I'm assuming the novel is less confusing). It's also interesting how the readers are all confused about the plot and there's so many misunderstandings among the readers themselves. I still think a huge part of that is the poor flow of the story, but it does seem like it's intentional on the author's part lol. I mean, I hope it was.

Some things that I thought was unique about this story was how the FL actually doesn't know the ending of the original novel- I haven't see that in other stories with this trope so it was refreshing. It's also great that she didn't remember the story that well. I always found it unrealistic when the main character of these reincarnated stories can remember everything that they read with no memory lapse... like, there has to be something you forgot xD

One important aspect of the story that bothers me alot is how the relationship of the characters are portrayed. At this point, I have no idea where Duroa stands in her opinion of Nocton. She questions him about the same thing, but she doesn't believe anything he tells her. As readers, we at least know that Nocton likes her, even if his concept of love is twisted.
We know that he himself probably doesn't even know that because of how messed up his life was. I really don't get Duroa though... did she really not at least see him as a friend at one point? At least the last chapters shows that she did care about him at least alittle because she wants to believe in him, but I still question how close of a friend she actually saw him as. With the way she just dropped the guy, it really does feel like the two were never friends. It's ironic she points out that you don't just hang out with someone you don't like for years, when she literally did the same thing. At this point, it seems that they were just using each other for their own ends (FOR 10 YEARS..) and that aspect never changed for Duroa, but it did with Nocton. All I'm trying to say is, I think we are to believe that she really did care about him at some point, but as a reader I just don't feel that's believable with the way she's treating him. The fact that she trusts in her fiancée, whom she barely knows, more than him, is quite telling.

Which reminds me of another point- Alice. She and Duroa were friends for 10 years and she never told her her secret but only does that now? If they were that close, you'd think she would've trusted her enough to have told her already. She might have a reason why she didn't but one can only assume. And man, why did that prophetic dream happen so late? If it happened 10 years ago then Duroa wouldn't have even approached the guy in the first place LOL XD

As for the story itself, there are so many questions that I have and I hope there are answers soon. Especially the issue about whether Nocton really used magic on Duroa or not.
The amount of confusion around this is unreal. I thought it was weird but when I reread some of the chapters, it really was confusing. Personally, I don't think Nocton ever used magic on her, but that he himself reasons that he must've, because 'there's no way she would stay beside him otherwise'. There's no point in the story where the reader sees Duroa's eyes glaze over, but we do assume that she's immune. If he used the mind control stuff he would've known immediately that it didn't work, but every time she 'bypasses' his magic he seems surprised. Also, as readers, the whole magic system was never fully explained so we can only guess how most of it is suppose to work. The only fact we know is that the title is important in hypnotizing, so that explains why he never calls Duroa by her name. It was interesting to note that he held back and changed the way he addressed her on their first meeting. He also said that 'he can' use magic on her, but does he ultimately do it? Because he goes on to say that even without it she was meeting up with him, but immediately he retracts and believes that magic is the only reason she's around. It's just so friggen confusing lmao. Anyway, point is, as readers we have reason to believe that he has never tried to use magic on her.

Another thing I thought that the author is being ambiguous about is what Alice's dream actually means. There could be more than one black magic user afterall... what if the one that mind controlled Claymore isn't Nocton? Alice also acknowledges that Nocton says he mustn't kill. Hopefully this plays out and it's not some detail that is dropped.

Dang that's a long comment.
Aug 27, 2019
I feel for nocton everybody is going againts him, nobody is trying to understand him. Valrose wake up girl!!!!! don't you see his all alone.
Jan 17, 2021
this story is good but its getting painful to read. Nocton's views of love are twisted and wrong because of his mother but then again Valrose hasn't made it easy for him to come clean about many things because she still, after so long, can't trust him.
and I don't like the blonde guy, can't stand him
Jan 1, 2019
Everything really is a mistake starting from me reading this...
Like it was good at first but it’s getting hard as times goes by. Drama and twists r over the top, angst, sadness, i feel depressed bruh
May 12, 2019
Just my two cents:
So Alice’s prophetic dream is still going to come true in a way. Edgar is going to brain wash Aaron rn in his mansion but I feel like he won’t be able to Stan Alice. Either edger with stop before he orders anything or Duroa will jump in the way.
Nov 19, 2020
At first I liked this, but as time has gone on the chapters are just getting painful to read. The characters are starting to feel too forced and the flow of the story is beginning to feel like it is being chipped out of stone instead of flowing like water.
Nov 30, 2019
It feels bland. It feels like the shots the artist chooses to draw are cur weirdly, and the emotions don't follow the story..... It doesnt feel genuine.
Aug 5, 2020
This story is a great example of using miscommunication and misunderstandings for plot reasons. Everything could be solved by our mcs sitting down and explaining their side. It goes on and on for chapters with no end in sight, misunderstandings just piling up.

FL deciding to mistrust a character she was friends with since childhood just because another friend had a dream and said childhood friend is anti social. Who needs clarifications right? She stalked him her entire life, doesnt matter how he treated her, but THIS is the breaking point. Ok.

FL trying her entire life to change the story but not understanding why ML is acting differently and being obsessed with her now years later. I WONDER WHY.

FL thinking ML doesnt like her while at the same time believing hes a dangerous person - girl if he's the villain AND he hates you, then you'd be dead. At least one statement would be wrong no? Of course he considers you a friend at least. He had no issues brainwashing that bully of a lady but he acts like an innocent puppy with you. 1+1=2.

The characters are forced into meaningless conversations that turn frustrating, because if you make them ask the useful questions and answer honestly, then the whole story is wrapped up in one scene, and the angst must continue.

The characters would rather turn into hateful people, ready to hurt others, completely unprovoked, than just have a normal conversation and clarify things. The 3 idiots are just about ready to murder the ml because of a dream. They literally turned against him from a moment to the other, for plot convenience, and act like scared little children even though he never did anything evil to them for years.
The ML is about ready to murder anyone because hes a jealous obsessive child who cant accept his chilhood friend has a fiancee.

At this point I just read this for a good laugh, since the art is pretty.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 25, 2018
I don't get these plots like why try and snuggle up to the ML instead of just not planning a murder like one of those would solve your whole problem.
Apr 7, 2020
all i wanted to say is, nocton doesn't deserve duroa, nocton doesn't deserve to be treated this way especially the way that girl duroa always misunderstands him because of what her friend's prophecy was telling her. nocton became like who he was rn is because of his childhood, the only memory that he remembers was hatred and full of resentment, his power swalloed him up, he swore to never trust a person again that's why he uses dark methods to duroa (even though his magic doesn't have any effect to her). duroa that bitch, excuse for my word but hell no that girl gotta be the fml, she's so stupid can't even understand nocton's feelings. she's just one of that people that abandoned nocton...
Jun 18, 2019
I was trying to fall in love with the story but somehow it's getting more and more confusing .. It's twisted ... Just like the title ... I guess everything was a mistake 😢😖
Jun 18, 2019
The plot is confusing, but it's got one thing going for it that most "MC romances the villain" stories don't, legitimate danger. Most similar stories have the "villain" be cold, but ultimately not that threatening no matter what happened in the backstory. They're teddy bears with some prickly fur at worst.

The duke though is a dangerous man with serious issues. He's obsessed with the MC and not all that rational about it. He has intimidating powers no one has a proper counter to whose nature and variety they don't understand. For all that she's probably going to eventually get together with him the story isn't shying away from the fact he's nearly homicidal. He's straight up the primary antagonist scaring the shit out of most of the cast and making the protagonist feel extremely uncomfortable.
Jul 21, 2019
I'm going to assume that Nocton ends up killing duroa's fiancé because fake ml blondie was using duroa to get close to Alice which sounds about right.
Apr 15, 2020
At this point in the story, I can't handle all of these painful misunderstandings. I basically want a spoiler when the FL and ML make up, because I don't want the ML to be hurt anymore, and I also don't want the FL to be mistreated anymore when their relationship inevitably continues. I need some make-up kisses -3-

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