Evil Knight

Nov 9, 2019
has potential
but the art could be better especially in the action scenes and shading is sometimes a little off , cover is pretty was the only reason why I started
and the cliche scenes just make you puke 😐
Girl not even one week ago you and your whole family got killed by your husband , who you really loved at that time and now you can already think of another Guy and he calms you bc he reminds you of the wolf ?🙄
the pace could have been better , would have made a lot of difference

The emperor and the female knight have a great pace , except sometimes the mc is to dense but yeah Girl should put her dreams and independence on top of the list and maybe find out herself why she is reborn ?
but sure as hell not start having a crush in the first 10 chapters😣

will probably stay to read a little longer, but if the only reason the Male lead likes her is bc "she is not like the others" than instant drop, cant stand such sh*t all the other girls admire me , they could never use a sword and are weak but you are different 🤢
Dec 19, 2019
The story looks good but I cannot read further because the art is shit. I hope this has a novel, I would read that instead.
Jul 7, 2020
The art is ... okay, but very poor when it comes to story-telling. It comes off as mechanical and bland. The story itself is run of the mill. It's mediocre.
Jul 9, 2020
The rating for this seems completely unfair. Too early to get a strong feel but I think the story itself is pretty good so far. I'm looking forward to it. It's definitely standing out from the typical reincarnation genre for a couple different reasons like the ML and FL abilities/skills. The art isn't ugly or anything by far just that we've been spoiled by some prettier drawings. No, it's not hard to follow the overall story and i think the drawings will improve with time. I appreciate the author's sense of humor such as with the
cute animal attack and lol I loved the Simpson panel.
I hope this one keeps getting updated. I'm really curious about what happened to her in the 1st place and why.
Aug 7, 2020
I wanna like this series, the premise seems so different and cool!! But the story telling and story board layout is a bit of mess.... I hope webtoon artist will get better with experience in those regards as the series progresses.
May 25, 2020
I don't really agree. The art is pretty cool (although very dark). The humor in it is hard to tell yet if the story is good. I think the rating is unfair...
Nov 13, 2019
Has potential, the beginning was so intriguing so Im definitely gonna read more chapters.

However, the other comments about the action scenes are true. The way the action scenes are drawn is only a level higher than Chinese manhuas (which are horrendous lol). As for the pacing, after the heroine met the male lead, sooooo many things happened and the story is now so packed with so many characters, we're almost forgetting what actually happened to her as queen and her revenge. It's like a completely different plot now lol

Still gonna read more chapters

Edit: After Chapter 18, I've dropped this. The story went downhill fast, I couldn't stand it anymore. It's basically like reading a low level Chinese manhua. Aaaaand the art sucks.
Feb 24, 2019
Jesus christ this like went downhill like the moment the male lead shows up. LIke its setting up a revenge story but everytime the plot is crying for the MC to hurry up she ends up fucking around with the male lead for panels on end for no fucking reason beyond gotta include some forced romance scenes with the Male lead amirght?
the MC is being portrayed as this overpowered genius with the blade but she allows herself to be pushed around whenever the plot dictates so.
like wow my friend is being held in a castle by a comically evil rapist noble and they want to kidnap her child and me. Instead of fighting back she fucks off and ends up flirting with the male lead for several chapters. What the fuck?
whats worse is prob just the slog ass pace everything tone deafly continues. like my friend is going to get raped and killed and MC is here fucking around with Disney princess male lead stroking some animals or some shit.

IMO this is actually worse chinese manhua. At least with those they know that they have shit art and shit plots and stereo typically comically evil sub villains are quickly dealt with to focus on the next stereotypical comically evil sub villian. Arts pretty much at the same level too.
Fed-Kun's army
May 5, 2018
16 chapters and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on. The pacing is too slow. So many pointless panels.
Apr 22, 2020
Why the heck rating so low! This is a good series forget the original story I just wanna see Knox and FL BLOSSOM IN LOVE PLUS THE BROMANCE HERE IS NICE AND SUPPORTIVE. I rate this 10/10
Active member
Sep 5, 2018
I can't speak for anyone else but I dropped this because the story themes are too disjointed to keep me interested. This is a Disney story with a little serial rape and snuff thrown in for ????

The intro was cool. Little queen gets killed by her beau king and a backstory was thrown in to imply she's a sword prodigy. In this life she'll probably start swinging that thing around and become the titular Evil Knight. Great!

So, I read... and, around ch 9, I start speed scrolling to find out exactly when she'll figure out what swords are meant for and become... you know... evil... because the bad guys surely are. But somewhere around ch. 12 or 13 the ML goes on about how he detests violence but knows when to use it and... gives the bad guy a good scare? BOO! And then the squirrel and mouse brigade come in and I'm finally full on WTF?!?!!!???

It's bad but not bad enough to be good. Maybe if they put in a pantless shota escape from the child slaver boat with the help of the mermaids, and then the bad guys capture them and get stymied because... dude how do you rape a fish? I can't figure it out, where do I put my... until the FL and ML arrive with the wharf rats and kittens to save everyone. I might read that. I may put this on hold and see if a chapter gets to that point . You never know.

So... if that sounds like pure awesome to you then you're welcome. I hope you thoroughly enjoy this.
Oct 21, 2019
simple plot. Man's a disney princess. I want the FL to go off and kill a bunch of people already.
Jul 10, 2019
Honestly, leo needs to find another guy. Her lover is kind of stupid. He trust a stranger's words without doubt and once problem arise all he can do is mope around, and do more stupid thigs... (Sigh)
Double-page supporter
Mar 8, 2020
Glad I’m not the only one confused and disappointed. The couple first chapter was pretty good but it was lost in space now.
Sep 11, 2020
Omg.. This is really confusing and badly written. It seems all over the place. I gonna put this onhold..donno
Maybe after a few chapters, i ll come back .
Aug 5, 2020
I really like the concept and I like how ML has disney princess powers. However, it is incredibly slow and really poorly written lol the first joke caught me off guard as well, because everything was so very serious and then suddenly there's comedy.

And I will need FL to step up on her aggression against these disgusting villains. These men are doing awful things to women and children and there's nothing violent happening to them...? One even becomes a comic relief character? When she meets the Lord, why did she suddenly become so gullible? Girl, stab the dude, cut something off, hurt him a little! lol

Also I found it so weird when the disney princess felt sick because of his curse(?) and his knight didn't check on him or look for him... He just poofs for a few chapters.

I wish it was written better because the concept has potential. Hoping it becomes better with time once we advance from this arc.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
The first few chapters were good at setting up the premise and setting and then everything after that does a complete 180, the MC is pathetic, the story makes no sense compounded with stiff art. You can skip whole chapters and find out that absolutely nothing changed because the story skips important context to skip straight into the next plot point rendering all build up pointless and then there are entire chapters spent on silent single movement flowery dream panels that makes DBZ screaming plot progression seem like it's going too fast.

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