Evil Knight

Aug 15, 2020
Sadly the FL does nothing even in the raws. This had so much potential it is sad to see how the plot dropped in quality fast. Like some others mentioned first few chapters were good. After a while no bad guy (not a single one) is punished how they should be. They just become comic relief even though they did terrible deeds. All fights scenes become unsatisfying. And FL doesn't act like a knight nor evil. The tittle is very misleading. There are 32 chapters and one would expect to see something related to the description promised. I will drop this manhwa since it dropped quality fast. You can see more animals fighting than humans.
Jun 2, 2019
I agree with most of the reviews!

It had potential, but later the storyline quality dropped till you feel like 'there is a big hole in the story and i don't know what it is 😅 (my case tbh)

The art is okay
But the story is so bland
You can try to read it, but don't hope too much

I hope the author will gain more experience so she/he will produce a better manhwa
Jul 9, 2020
This started out interesting but somehow took a poor turn. I dunno who the directs the art panels but they're not telling the story properly. Turn face.. somehow the guy was kicked... hand moved.. apparently poisonous darts have attacked the character... like what. It's annoying. What is going on. I can't believe how fast this went from a good manhwa to how many chances do I keep giving this.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
How is it that you have 20 chapters out and nothing happens in any of them.
Jul 10, 2019
I told you Leone! Break up with that self centered man! How there he act like that with your saviour!? TF!!! Poor wolfie 😭

All he knows is to cry and mope around! Even let innocent get hurt for his damn ego!
Jul 10, 2020
the plot was kinda good and i thought it be something unique but as the chapters go by the story moves farther away from the original plot.. and doesn't make sense anymore
Apr 27, 2019
I wanted to like this.. but nothing is moving on, super boring and the characters are running in a circle !
Feb 16, 2020
I had such high hopes for this, but the pace of the story is inconsistent and it feels like this story is going nowhere. Also, the characters are starting to become really boring and frustrating. Honestly, what a waste of 20 chapters.
Apr 8, 2018
I agree with many here. I'm not enjoying this story right now as there are plenty of things poorly executed by the author, including flow, characters and their backgrounds.

There are elements that i like, though, so i'm still holding onto hope that the author will learn a lot as this story progresses and will improve.
Apr 21, 2020
Not worth reading.
This story had a good premise, but really save your time for something else. The art is only average, the story beyond the initial setup is just stupid. At every step of the way the Mc has the ability, motivation, and justification to stop the villains but for whatever reason she constantly let's them go or just plain gives in. The emotion I felt most often reading this was frustration and anger at the Mc, it's like she's trying to be a Saint keeping her hands clean of violence or blood while playing at being a warrior with no real regard for her own or her allys lives.

So biggest problem the main characters seem to have a pathological aversion to killing or harming the people that come after them, despite these people being so clearly comically evil and deserving of death. Mc comes off as an ineffectual Saint that has no business being in this story.

Anyway that was my rant, I just feel angry after reading the available chapters, could have been good but wasn't even average.
Sep 9, 2018
@Tragic I think the issue here is that the pacing is garbage and they're trying to dump in as much drama as possible without any actual, logical causality to it. If the story took itself just a bit more seriously and rationally, this would have been pretty decent.
As for the art... seriously, who reads manwhuas for the art? as long as it looks like some effort went in to make recognizable characters and backgrounds that aren't just gradients and streaks, it's got tolerable art for a long-strip comic. I swear all these fancy palaces they use here and elsewhere are just 3d mockups thrown together with something like sketchup and then screenshotted, though.
Aug 2, 2020
Meh. Yeah cover catfish.
Hopefullu The translators shouldn't waste their time and hard work on this. Not worth it.. I either free up timr for yourself or else catch on on something else please.
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
the basic setting seems quite refreshing and novel as the majority would be having a timetravel here
but the pacing is all over the place its not restricted by time but by actions which is very unsatisfying for me as a reader as it streches the more eventful parts to no end for eg chapters 12-21+ are still the same 24 hours.
the story doesnt seem to be that coherent either the fmc should be experienced in hunting and fighting but when its not convenient she seems to forget it
also for someone so dissapointed in and betrayed by humanity she is surprisingly merciful toward scumbags i mean generaly the fmc has less mercy for animals than for humans that want to kill her

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