External Links Pt. 2

Group Leader
Jun 5, 2018

Pls add. And no need to wait 10 months getting ID mappings or whatever, those don't exist. These links would be added for related content.
[ul]- when a manga has an anime related to it
- when a manga and a visual novel are related
- when a manga is a doujin[/ul]An issue that might occur is that we don't know out of the manga/anime/light novel/visual novel, which is the source material/what are their relations. This would be fine with a note in the description detailing it. It's not really an issue with NovelUpdates links, anyway. Also, for things where there are multiple links, like multiple seasons of an anime or parts of a vn. This isn't a problem either, just link the first one who cares anyway add links pls ty

edit: on second thought, maybe a different 'Related Media' category for AniDB/DoujinDB/NovelUpdates/VNDB, as they're all indirectly related to the manga and not really external links in the same way that MU/AL/MAL/etc are.
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
The logical extension of this idea would be to add support tracking for anime, lol.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
anidb already tracks anime. ITS TIME TO STOP THE FEATURE CREEP! no need for the database to explode from stress and cause Teasday to cry in a corner while everything's on fire.
Mar 1, 2018
the issue of data overbloat is already apparent on some manga title pages, where the page becomes too long and too cramped with too much information. i mean, i didn't know MangaDex was supposed to be the all-inclusive database on manga and its anime along with every single link to anything related to the franchise. they have other databases to do that, don't they?

on a related note, it's especially annoying when i'm on a mobile device and i have scroll down a lot just to get to the chapter i want to read (and double the woe if i want to read an older chapter on the 2nd or 3rd page of the listing). even some of the manga summary entries are tedious and lengthy, and not worth all the space dedicated to it.

IF FOLKS WANT TO SEE ALL THOSE EXTRANEOUS INFO, how about "shorter the better, and lengthen/expand it if you really want to read it" approach? wouldn't it make more sense to use a Expanded View (similar to Spoiler tag or "read more" link) to show all the data IF YOU WANT TO SEE IT, but try to keep the manga title short and sweet at first glance/visit?
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
@dokkotak Agreed, long manga pages are annoying. Give me an example of one which is super long?
Mar 1, 2018
The one that annoyed me in that instance, I can't remember it; I was browsing Random manga, and was scrolling down twice to get to the 1st chapter, but my attention span gave out first.

However, there IS an example right on the MangaDex homepage, from the Featured Titles slide at the bottom: Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu!

Its manga Title page doesn't look so bad on my widescreen desktop, but it seems horrendous to me on my mobile phone Firefox. It's got too many alternate titles. And in its Descriptions section, there are three subsections: two of which are alternate English descriptions, and one of which are just links to anime. I think these sections could be shortened up in the default view, and could be expanded with a click on a button/link. May not be the best example, but I remember seeing a lot worse, elsewhere.
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
Once the non-English support is refined, the alt titles section will be smaller, because it will only display the UI language and Japanese. And yeah, better use of spoiler button will condense the description.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
Dragonball is another long entry.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
> anidb.net
Doesn't MAL already tracks related anime? Any pros for "duplicate" db entry?

> vndb.org
I personally wouldn't mind :)

> Dragonball is another long entry.
Just put this crap into spoiler tag. Problem solved.
Ask Tea to make another tag with same functionality but titled [more info] instead of [ spoiler ]

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