Fallen Angels

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Feb 9, 2018
@Bentoki: well i have already read on their site, but i fell sorry for others that only use this site not knowing that it already updated. That's why i make that request. And thank you for iZN for uploading it.
Group Leader
Apr 25, 2018
The banner doesn't prove anything, infact it helps other groups take notice of the rule. I don't get why you stopped uploading eventhough the rule doesn't apply to your group in any way.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Mukuro It doesn't matter if it applies or not. It's stupid. That rule also gets your owner access revoked, members deleted.
Group Leader
Apr 25, 2018
@iZN If you're a group that hasn't released any manga scanlation in the past few months, you'd be considered as an inactive group by lots of readers and would want the group's releases to be uploaded onto the site to fill in gaps and have a way to let chapters be read and not lost throughout time. Another point is, you'd rather have your series uploaded to a site that doesn't profit off any releases and only acts as an archive that acnowledges the scanlation group and actually uses the full quality releases given by the scanlator and if there is a time delay for other sites to host, it respects that instead of other sites that rip straight away without caring for the scanlator's wishes.
Jan 28, 2018
Okay, I understand why you guys don't like that rule as it would have been better to only have the rule apply to groups that have stopped putting out new scanlations, not just stopped uploading them here (Retiring, disbanding etc.). But you guys do realize where your website traffic comes from, right? It's from sites like this where people go to read those works. To stop uploading here is basically shooting yourself in the foot, or maybe the big toe at least. Plus according to their rules, as long as you're uploading stuff you don't even have anything to worry about. And now if you don't upload anything for a few months, other people will just start uploading it in your place. Instead of refusing to upload here, which kinda looks like the lady at walmart shouting "I'm never shopping here again!" and walking out, why not discuss it with the site owner? I've emailed him a few times about things and he's been fairly receptive. Or start a post in the forums, a petition for other scanlation groups to add themselves to in the comments. Because right now, all you've accomplished is nothing by doing this.
Jan 21, 2018
@Antonius The rule applies to inactive groups that haven't released a new chaptr in the span of 4 months, not necesarilly here, but just in general no chapter has been released on their site, madokami, torrets etc.
Jan 28, 2018
Actually if you use this site correctly, it does drive more traffic to your page. Unlike most other sites, this one follows scanlators requests for delayed posting. We see that there's a new chapter and are directed to your site to read it or wait. That drives at lease some people to your site.
There's also people like me who don't have time to check a hundred different scanlators sites for new releases, hence why we use sites like this. I just use an RSS aggregator to let me know of updates and read them whenever I have a spare 5 minutes. By not uploading here, all you've done is drive me and probably others to another site that doesn't care about you guys and your rules.

By not uploading to sites like this one, while you aren't taking enough of a loss to care (Even I realize it's not much of a difference), no one wins.
Jan 18, 2018
Yeah, I know about traffic, just Houdini mention it right. 80% Traffic cames of from reddit and 20% from others. " gain nothing by uploading our scanlations here"
On the other case Antonius, say is right too "Actually if you use this site correctly, it does drive more traffic to your page".
There is similar case with Jaiminis Box. They stopped upload here in span 3 months due revenue traffic. But their traffic down to 30%. So they revoke their rules and upload here again with delay 2 weeks.
Edit : Well, the decision still in your hands.
Jan 25, 2018

1st party traffic is not going to change from using MangaDex, you're instead trying to reduce the support of less responsible manga aggregators that are just scraping your site. Saying you're gaining nothing is pretty short sighted, but all up to you guys.
Jan 18, 2018
I guess he right answer to this idiotic behaviour would be to follow their releases (and only their) on kissmanga or whatever it was called.
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