Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 3rei!! - Ch. 61 - A place to come back someday

Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2020
Thanks for the chapter, translator-san
Interlude chapter i see. Well suppose it's alright, give author some break time and let our illya relax once in awhile😅
That girl has been fighting in a battle to decide the world's fate, can't imagine if i were in her place...and also
poor kuro and miyu
Ah and by the way @EnkiduFSK -san, sorry to say but there's no notification for this chapter. Is there any problem?
Active member
Apr 17, 2020

It's been 7 years since the end of 2wei IRL, but 5 years since the end of 2wei Herz (aka the manga and anime where Illya's friends were last shown in real-time).

This chapter hit like a brick, but it was also a really good chapter for Illya. Solidly confirming her conviction never to give up, even though she's made mistakes and lost people, because if she stops now she'll never be able to get those lost people back. Akin to Miyuverse Shirou, of course, who gave up everything to ensure that Miyu could find happiness, who Kuro was impersonating inside of Illya's mindscape.

I'm pretty sure that the next chapter, whenever it appears, will be the start of the next arc. And it's gonna hit even harder than this one.
Feb 9, 2018
I want to believe that kuro can come back. Maybe she went inside Illya again. And the core that gave her a physical form was the
EMIYA card
so... I think there are plenty of similar cores available in all the fate multiverse. She can be back that way and be 100%
Shirou's little sister
, and put some jealously face on Illya haha. It would be nice to see some characters from each universe interact.

PD: I really hope to see a new carnival phantasm anime. After all, by 2021, the 10 year cycle will be complete. And I'm old now.
Active member
Mar 11, 2019
We've had daughterwives, loli grandmas and little big sisters. Now we have sisterbros.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2020
@Oneesamaa well, the good think is llya didn't have to shoot each of them to wake up. Well like father like daughter i guess
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2021
Reminds me a lot of some scenes/ideas from
Muv Luv Alternative
. Glad that it was interpreted as a dream in the end otherwise it would make the story much weirder. Viewed in that light it makes sense.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2019
Kuro is probably inside illya. And there's a chance that she can still be revived later maybe with the power of 2 grails
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2021
@Lampsy given that they announced the movie back in May 2020, I even wonder if the movie is just gonna stop at chapter 56. I guess at most chapter 60. They have to finish production and can't wait for the manga to update. So, sequels are definitely still coming up. We'll see.

@dexdoujinmanga Well they look 10 on the outside but everything they've been doing has been nothing but an adult adventure so far lol. That's the point of this series I guess.
Dec 1, 2019
Ok, so I just happened to check this page today and I saw that chapter 61 had been out for almost a month, yet the website still lists the last update as 2 months ago with chapter 60. What the hell is up with that?

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