Fate/type Redline - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
@Warko No, I was asking about details that turned the murderdeathkill into what it was. You know, the cause of the effect in hand. And noted that MC does not make any sense in Fate multiverse unless they have some good explaination for him.
Since nothing I said had anything to do with casualties I just assumed you mistagged me.
Edit: AhI I understand now. You misread "causality" as "casualty".
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
>Time Slip

Welp, lucky you, Kanata whatever, looks like ol' Gran somehow managed to replicate a freaking Magic in that Mystic Code. Ain't that grand.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
I'm out of the loop for all the Fate spin-offs and I instantly have lots of questions.
Why is the guy able to use magecraft without family crest of training? Does he have mystic eyes?
Why are there seven servants in this era?
What with Einzbern wish?
What with Great Grail?
Why is not-Rin using makeshift portable summoning circle?

In order:
>Why is the guy able to use magecraft without family crest of training? Does he have mystic eyes?
You don't need a family crest to use magecraft, that's how all new mages start, even the ones from established lineages. You inherit your family's crest IF you're the heir and IF you're compatible with it. See also the OG, Shirou Emiya who similarly had next to no training and obviously no family crest but was able to use simple Reinforcement and Gradation Air magecraft.

>Why are there seven servants in this era?
Seven Servants is the "standard" for Holy Grail Wars, since the ritual is based on Alaya's (?)summoning of the Seven Grand Servants whenever a Beast appears.

>What with Einzbern wish?
Since this isn't Fuyuki City, the Einzberns are probably not involved in this. This is obviously an alternate timeline from mainstream F/SN, anyway, so don't expect to see the usual names, or at least not in their usual role.

What with Great Grail?
There might not be a Greater Grail here. Any magical source powerful enough to summon Servants from the Throne of Heroes can be designated as a Grail.

>Why is not-Rin using makeshift portable summoning circle?
Why not?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
>Shiro went through ridiculous by normal standarts training to half-ass reinforcement magic. He basically risked his life daily for what you call "next to no training" and even then unless it was crucial situation he failed most of the times he tried. Only after Rin's apprenticeship - basically spell boost - he could at least stabilise his methods.
>Seven servants in Stay Night universe were summoned because three, four or five did not cut, also the Grail was summoned and confirmed as genuine. That means without Einsbern wish there is no point in having seven classes.
>Isn't Great Grail kinda structural point of whole ritual?
>The thing i'm curious about is - and it may or may be not connected to existance of Great Grail - why is she travelling with this thing instead of summoning it at closest leyline or safehouse or something and how is this thing even supposed to work. It just seems hugely luck dependant.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
You're wrong about some things and misinformed about others, but you don't need to worry since they'll inevitably come up with new rule variations and explain them next chapter, as always.
Feb 15, 2018

It is possible to be born with specialized Magic Circuits, so simply running mana through them would cause a magical effect. It IS a premise behind Magic Crest, after all. And it is not all that dissimilar to Shirou's innate ability to break the Projection Magecraft by passively tapping into the Reality Marble. Not the first time Reality Marble made somebody that was supposed to lack supernatural abilities altogether special either, isn't it right, Sacchin?).

Seven Servants IS the standard and was that way right from the start. Deathhappens is entirely right on this part. And on the origin of the Ritual as well.

While it IS possible to do Grail Wars without Einsberns' original Grail (see subcategory wars in both /Apocryphia and /Strang Fake) or just summon Servants via different means (/Labyrinth and /Grand Order), this one does involve it. Assuming it is follows Koha-ACE's Imperial Grail War fully, that's it. IIRC in this timeline Third HGW got derailed - yes, AGAIN - by the fight between Japanese Nationalists and Literally Nazi, and ended up with Grail in their custody (
Nobbu turned it into not!nuke
). Kind of like when Darnic tried to steal it in /Apocryphia timeline. Einzberns Representative is probably got killed in Third War (likewise for the rest of Three Families) so they might not appear in this conflict, as it is set after that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
@ZeroNull Rather then tapping into reality marble, UBW is pinnacle of wierd element of Shiro's magic and the result of life worth of training he only used by several cheats and shortcuts. It's not like any orphan could just go and flicker time or something. Primary exception being mystic eyes. I am really curious if this manga will bother with such small detail as explaining why MC even exists. Also, who is Sacchin again?
Seven servants in Stay Night is a result of evolution of ritual. It was supposed to work with three what later called "knight" classes. And I am pretty sure Berserker specifically was implemented as one of Einsbern's attempts to cheese the system. Standart or not, every single world in multiverse should logically follow certain steps unless it was created "as is" and don't have any real history.
Well, Servants are overcomplicated familiars, but if it is Holy Grail War it is by default some mage family shanenigans involving high tier magic of at least three directions. Well, two and somebody competent enough to host the game. And also this is a ritual with very peculiar goals and methods that would be quite wierd unless the goal is Einsbern's wish or ritual itself was hijacked like in Strange Fake (I think). But then there should be an originator of ritual. Originator that is potentially not very pleased with interrupted search.
Those kind of steps are interesting to me to be in any capacity involved in the story. Otherwise it's just bootleg supernatural battle royal.
Apr 17, 2019
TL;DR: I won't accept just anyone telling me "it's magic; I ain't gotta explain sh*t," no matter how many of you say it. I need a lore explanation.
I don't care if you think Emiya-kun is cheats and hacks. I don't care how many paragraphs you type about the metaphysical nature of Unlimited Blade Works, magecraft more generally, or the Grail System. Fate/Type Redline's milquetoast designated protagonist is also a milquetoast designated protagonist so they get cheats and hacks. Are you Satisfied? Is there some lore reason why you can't just accept the tired, but acceptable narrative conceit that the protagonist is more special than you or I from the outset?


Who is Sacchin?
This physically hurt me to read. I can't believe how dead Tsukihime is.
Yumizuka Satsuki,
Shiki's childhood friend, has the one-in-a-billion magical aptitude required to not turn into a zombie, but become a full vampire, when drained by dead apostle. She is a relevant example in this case because the Nasuverse is very willing to grant competency arbitrarily if it adds drama to the story.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Are you Satisfied?
Short answer - no.
I don't care if you think Emiya-kun is cheats and hacks.
I never said hacks, though I wouldn't deny it either. Having your own persona from future timeline and your mana reserve supplied by genious mage is shortcut enough. And why do you say "metaphysical nature of Unlimited Blade Works"? UBW is pretty technical if you ask me. In fact, it's something of a doctoral dissertation for mage. Stealing it from future self and practising it at someone elses expence is pretty cheaty. But everything had at least some kind of explaination.
Is there some lore reason why you can't just accept the tired, but acceptable narrative conceit that the protagonist is more special than you or I from the outset?
Because without lore whole Fate franchise is subpar fanservise fantasy. Also, why do you think that I take it personally? Nothing so far implied such thing. Are you insecure about something? Well, I am sorry for you if so, but it's not the case for me, rest assured.
This physically hurt me to read. I can't believe how dead Tsukihime is.
Rest in peace,Tsukihime, you will be remembered in occasional parody crossovers. Though by your description, it's not ability but affinity and that is pretty common aand established for Nasuverse. If Redline's MC was bitten by some time apostle there wouldn't be any questions regardless of what he does. In fact, even some vague experiments conducted on him by his mages relatives - just give me something!
Feb 15, 2018
@kwendy: UBW is not something Shirou developed via research and effort. It is something his walk through cursed hell of Fuyuki Fire left him with. What EMIYA spend years on is refining his circuits ability to supply it with enough mana to manifest it upon reality. Internally, however UBW is always active and doing it's magic of copying weapons wholesale, history and all, and storing em inside to bring forth when needed. Oh, and "repairing" wounds with blades, can't forget about that one use)

Satsuki has a Reality Marble, "Depletion Garden". She is not a Mage, neither are her parents (from what we know). She just has it. Her route would probably have shed some light on it, but alas... Isn't it sad, Sacchin?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
@ZeroNull That's just his sword element. Just wierdly specific element. Sometimes it's water, of fire, or illusory element. In Shiro's case it's sword element, UBW just being the pinnacle of it's development, I am not sure where do you see UBW being always active. Am I missing/forgetting something?
Disfigurement with magic spinning out of control is well established phenomena - if I remember correctly, all mages families offspring withpout family crest aka "second sons" wield great risk of it - and Shiro's just manifest in swords poking everywhere, more often then not ending his life.

Ah, can't comment on that. Did not played Tsukihime or Gadren of Sinners for that matter. Just assumed they were less developed then Fate that came after. I mean, it's battle of seven (plus extra) tag teams and it still was considered most action packed work, never got reason to play previous games.
Feb 15, 2018
@kwendy: It's in Complete Materials / Side Materials. If there's a trivia like how swordification is an effect of UBW (and has saved his life number of times, like vs Rider) or actual history of Holy Grail War or who would win, Gil or Arc, it's all (usually) there. Granted, it's not something easily accessible, so we who can't read moonrunes has to rely on secondhand knowledge of it.

There's saying about "assume", y'know. Besides, core Nasuverse works are not actually about cool fights.) And they compliment each other and explore the shared multiverse form different angles, while sometimes giving surprise insights on matters from other works. Like how Primate Murder and Seven Grand Servants of FGO are first mentioned in Tsukihime (side materials) or how Black Barrel / Conceptual Weapon of Natural Timespan is from the Notes.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
@ZeroNull Yea, I can't say anything about side materials. Except personal subjective opinion that does not matter in the context anyway.

Well, I can't operate on anything other then assumptions as I had not met that many people that played it to recommend. Are they really written as interesting as Fate? I brought up action as it really is very much needed break and highlight between would be pretty tiring exposition, inner thoughts and slow paced character interactions. I mean, I love Mitsuzuri's dialogues for example, but I won't be reading it if whole novel was like that.

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