@MarqFJA87 There are exceptions here as well, if parents are persistant enough and kids do pass required physical minimums, they'll let kid enroll 1st grade a year early. Had a guy like that when I was elementary school. Quite common for those born in April. Funny thing is, his mother tried to enroll him a year earlier than that, so 2 years earlier (and he was born in June). Of course, school didn't have any of that. There was no reason to let him in anyway, his grades were mediocre as is, if he were enrolled 2 years early, he'd have serious issues with "difficulty" levels.
IMO, for kid's sake, should have enrolled him properly and be done with it. What's the point of finishing highschool before you are 18 (if someone is enrolled 2 years early). You can't work, can't drink, my childood area has no tertiary education so if he wanted to go to university, that's 90km away from home which is quite a distance here. Only "positive" side of enrolling kid (unless highly intelligent) early is getting "rid" of him the earliest possible. Don't see positive sides for, by everything, average kid. Being an adult sucks ass and I don't mean literally, which would be fine.