Man, this mangas author is a woman. Women usually don't understand what pisses of men in general, i would say they have opposite kinks to ours. What they find sexy can be a major turn off for us. Like women get interested in guys who are already in relationship while men in general have a stronger dislike for women in relationship.
People who don't understand why, usually are guys that never had partners in their life OR they didn't think of them as life partners (marriage or monogamous partners).
I would date almost any woman (have sex) but having a serious and committed relationship is something given to a wife material who i can proudly announce to the world and with whom our children will not be bullied.(there are many cases when children were bullied(harassed) for their mothers past(present) with anything related to adult industry. Even my childhood friend had problems simply because his mother was hot(nothing lewd), was cat called in front of everyone by young adults
, very unpleasant situation)
O problema com este mangá é que MC está viciado nela (ou seja, ficaria feliz em se casar com ela). Neste caso, não posso me relacionar com o MC. Com garotas públicas, você pode se divertir e brincar, não realmente se investir emocionalmente (você só vai se machucar na maioria dos casos, já que a maioria dos caras é um pouco possessiva e exigente de exclusividade).
As mulheres modernas, por outro lado, não foram ensinadas sobre isso ou simplesmente não se importam. Os homens também estão mudando de maneira não tão agradável e estão desconsiderando o que as mulheres querem ver nos futuros pais e maridos. Estamos fodendo nosso futuro para a libertação a curto prazo (ou seja, completa falta de empatia e desrespeito pelos parceiros).