Filter-Goshi no Kanojo

Jul 6, 2023
this manga's entire existence is for the author to draw very lewd poses with the OC xDD pro moves
It's what I came here for
Oct 24, 2023
It was pretty good at first, but it looks like it's turning into a super slow burn romance. Too many new characters, I don't expect anything worth a damn to happen anytime soon
Aug 5, 2024
Mangá para quem gosta de ver sua esposa sendo devorada por uma pica de 20cm. Essa ideia veio diretamente do x/twitter por ser tão juvenil. Se tu gostou do mangá, possivelmente tu é corno, vai ser ou é, e gosta.
Aggregator gang
Jul 15, 2023
Mangá para quem gosta de ver sua esposa sendo devorada por uma pica de 20cm. Essa ideia veio diretamente do x/twitter por ser tão juvenil. Se tu gostou do mangá, possivelmente tu é corno, vai ser ou é, e gosta.
Man, this mangas author is a woman. Women usually don't understand what pisses of men in general, i would say they have opposite kinks to ours. What they find sexy can be a major turn off for us. Like women get interested in guys who are already in relationship while men in general have a stronger dislike for women in relationship.
People who don't understand why, usually are guys that never had partners in their life OR they didn't think of them as life partners (marriage or monogamous partners).

I would date almost any woman (have sex) but having a serious and committed relationship is something given to a wife material who i can proudly announce to the world and with whom our children will not be bullied.(there are many cases when children were bullied(harassed) for their mothers past(present) with anything related to adult industry. Even my childhood friend had problems simply because his mother was hot(nothing lewd), was cat called in front of everyone by young adults :haa: , very unpleasant situation)
The problem with this manga is that MC is hooked on her (i.e. would be glad to marry her). In this case i cannot relate to the MC. With public girls you can have fun and mess around, not really invest yourself emotionally (you will just hurt yourself in most cases, since most of guys are somewhat possessive and demanding of exclusivity).
Modern women on the other hand were not taught about this or simply do not care. Men are also changing not in so pleasant way and are disregarding what women want to see in future fathers and husbands. We are fucking up our future for short term liberation (i.e. complete lack of empathy and disregard for partners).
Aug 5, 2024
Man, this mangas author is a woman. Women usually don't understand what pisses of men in general, i would say they have opposite kinks to ours. What they find sexy can be a major turn off for us. Like women get interested in guys who are already in relationship while men in general have a stronger dislike for women in relationship.
People who don't understand why, usually are guys that never had partners in their life OR they didn't think of them as life partners (marriage or monogamous partners).

I would date almost any woman (have sex) but having a serious and committed relationship is something given to a wife material who i can proudly announce to the world and with whom our children will not be bullied.(there are many cases when children were bullied(harassed) for their mothers past(present) with anything related to adult industry. Even my childhood friend had problems simply because his mother was hot(nothing lewd), was cat called in front of everyone by young adults :haa: , very unpleasant situation)
O problema com este mangá é que MC está viciado nela (ou seja, ficaria feliz em se casar com ela). Neste caso, não posso me relacionar com o MC. Com garotas públicas, você pode se divertir e brincar, não realmente se investir emocionalmente (você só vai se machucar na maioria dos casos, já que a maioria dos caras é um pouco possessiva e exigente de exclusividade).
As mulheres modernas, por outro lado, não foram ensinadas sobre isso ou simplesmente não se importam. Os homens também estão mudando de maneira não tão agradável e estão desconsiderando o que as mulheres querem ver nos futuros pais e maridos. Estamos fodendo nosso futuro para a libertação a curto prazo (ou seja, completa falta de empatia e desrespeito pelos parceiros).
Textão, pai. E entendo uns pontos e, discordo de outros (mas é uma questão de nacionalidades diferentes). E meu problema vem dessa distorção do MC, por ser um completo cabaço.

Namorar marmita, as do carrosel, ou putas virtuais (OF, Privacy, etc) é coisa maluco (ou para quem tem uma tendência do que disse no comentário anterior). No máximo aquelas ficadas, mas tem um problema conjulgal caso seja corriqueiro.

E minha visão negativa é por já ter lido mangás parecidos quando tinha meus 14-16 anos. E mesmo naquela época achava escroto. Então esse para mim só escancara uma péssima premissa e um desastroso desenvolvimento que terá. Se é que posso chamar de desenvolvimento.

E pra gostar desse tipo de mangá, tem que ter algum problema. Porque tem que gostar, superar a barra inicial da gadisse e ser conivente com situações absurdas.
Aggregator gang
Jul 15, 2023
Textão, pai.
Long texts are important to convey what you truly mean. I can have a quick sms exchange but it will have a lot of misunderstandings. I started to read/watch manga/anime at the age of 13-15 (I don't remember, but it was mostly anime at that time).
The premise of this manga is bad. And i agree with you on that. My concern though is that main character (the guy) is emotionally attached to a girl who will screw him up. Girls like that usually don't stop at voyeurism if not stopped or scolded. On the other hand that guy is weak willed and a coward who let's this girl too easily. As you said this manga is for cucks or potential cucks because it creates a perfect ground for this premise.

Fetishes are things that need to be controlled but if not especially during teenage years, liberalism of fetishm might go out of hand and create a lot of conflicts and drama, before they finally grow up and understand what idiots they were.
Girl is sick, the boy is weak who asks for more emotional pain. He stopped showing emotions because someone was scared of his face ONCE in the kindergarten, this girl though might screw him so bad, that he might just jump from a building.

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