Forced to Become the Villainous Son-in-law

Dex-chan lover
Aug 31, 2020
In comparison to other Chinese comics that are cheap crap/unoriginal.
This is mid-grade.
A fun read, makes fun of and shows the stupidity of bad writing(The og protagonist)
Decent art
The turtle in ch21 looked great

Of most works from china this is worth a read.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2018
This is so meta.

It tries to poke fun at the horrible tropes of trashy chinese fics. While at the same time being guilty of using said tropes.

It's trash calling out other trash.
Sep 9, 2018
why call it thousand devil hands or whatever? cthulu isn't even a devil, it's an alien and an elder god and how the hell do you mix a spider with a cat to get a cthulu in the first place?
Mar 9, 2019
That "hero" is such a piece of sh*t!
Thank you very much for the translations dear Fatmanscans!!
Aggregator gang
Sep 27, 2019
@lolikoki Pretty sure he is a demon...I think he harbors dominion over dreams and insanity ? Ah Idk but he is a demon
Sep 9, 2018
@Mewples please go and read the actual stories then. Cthulhu is, like I said already, an alien, eldritch, elder god... and evil one, yes, but a god nonetheless. The fish people that worship him? Those you might be able to call demons. The lesser monstrosities touched upon in the various works by Lovecraft, some of them are definitely demons. The vast majority of them are aliens though, and people may think they are demons because they foolishly think that there are only "mortals" and "demons" in the world.
As for Cthulhu's dominion... you're wrong there. Cthulhu doesn't have dominion over either - he just happens to be asleep and dreaming, so the "dreamers" are the ones who form mental contact with his stray thoughts. The insanity is caused because its mind is alien and utterly unfathomable.
If we were to use D&D materials to write up chtulhu as a boss monster, you'd write it up as an "outsider" - a being which is utterly alien to this very reality, who comes from another reality enitrely.
My personal suggestion here is that you get the Necronomicon (the published book which collects almost the entirely of HP Lovecraft's stories) and read it through in its entirety. The word "demon" is a horribly generic excuse of a term for anything inhuman, when other, more applicable terms apply. "Devil" is a more appropriate term to use, but with either "devil" or "demon" the word refers to a creature whose origins lie in "Hell" or the "Abyss" or a similar contrived plane of existence - and Cthulhu is from none of those, having no relations to any of them.

TLDR: Cthulhu is not a demon.
Aggregator gang
Sep 27, 2019
@lolikoki Lovecraft?...D+D? You already lost me sorry, I don’t even know those things sorry!
Unfortunately I know he is a demon but don’t remember how I know so you can regard me as wrong as that’s only fair to say.
Sep 9, 2018
@Mewples Cthulhu is an alien god-thing invented by the writer H.P.Lovecraft. Literally anything else is just inspired by his stories. In manga, they've started calling Cthulhu a demon just because it's convenient in their own personal settings, but that's like taking Death and saying it's just a skeleton monster. Like I susggested, you should go read some of H.P. Lovecrafts stories, as those will actually show you what the memes and tropes are drawing inspiration from. Or at the very least, read the wikipedia page on Cthulhu to get a better understanding of it. Again, though, Cthulhu is not a demon - it's an alien god referred to as a "great old one" in its original universe. Luckily for the earth and literally everyone's sanity, Cthulhu sleeps in the city of R'lyeh which is sunk in the muck at the bottom of the ocean somewhere until the stars align. Then all the cultists show up to try and wake him up and end the world. Being so powerful a being, Cthulhu still manages to infect the minds of dreamers and artists, driving them insane despite the fact that it's not conscious at all.
Until you actually do the research or read the original stories, you've got nothing legitimate to try and claim Cthulhu is a mere demon, and since I've pointed you where to go to get the correct information already (and even a five minute google search would have given you a more comprehensive understanding of the subject), I can and will regard you as completely, ignorantly wrong. Go read the original stories, go read the wiki, do a fucking google search, whatever. My personal recommendation is that you read the stories since they are literally world-famous classics worthy of having other authors and creators use those stories as inspiration. Frankly, you're missing out if you don't read any of Lovecraft's works.
Aggregator gang
Sep 27, 2019
@lolikoki Memes and stuff? Erm never seen em
Sorry I unfortunately can’t buy them plus I am not inspired by other medium to why he I see him like that? I wouldn’t trust wiki too heartedly considering anyone can write anything....
I think I just think he is something to do with Solomon maybe?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
Man, this manhua seems to be borderline good, but I'm about 50% sure it's an illusion made by the scanlation actually being really competent for once.

@Mewples Stop. Just, stop.
Sep 9, 2018
@Mewples if you want to remain ignorant, that's your choice. But you'll continue to be wrong, without even understanding why, so at least accept the fact that you are ignorant on the topic - you haven't read any of the stories and refuse to do the bare m inimum of research, by your own admission. So any opinions you have on this subject deserve to be ignored.
This is literally as nice as I can be here, acting under the assumption that you are actually ignorant and not just being a dick for no apparent reason.
Aggregator gang
Sep 27, 2019
@lolikoki Not being a dick just expressing how It dose not matter (sorry I got a high fever so I couldn’t express to you properly beforehand) I know him as a demon because that’s how I know him.
It’s considered fiction in the first place so each answer is it was ‘inspired by the alien original’ as you say
I mean it doesn’t Change that the writer in this story, wants to pretray it as a demon in this instance which is unfortunate to the original material you presented but...It just how it is....This is him the demon and not him the alien...
If anything makes less shred of sense is how a fox and spider became him....I think that’s the most insulting part...

@twinklecake .....?
Feb 2, 2019
[please ignore]untuk yang indonesia di yutup udah sampai bab tiga puluh[saat postingan ini dibuat]

it`s good, i like it 👍👍
it`s funny tho 🤣
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
Actually decent! Was about to drop it bc of ch1 last page but in the end the whole "thing" is barely used so a near miss! The pacing really picked up in the later chapters tho!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
I'd want to say this is one of better chinese stories that I've read but then I would need to have read a chinese story that is actually good first.
I expected to drop this in the first 3 chapters, but wanted to drop it in 2nd. But hey since it wasn't that bad I gave it another 10 chapters and after that I just scrolled and watched the story progression.

It didn't give me 'wtf have i just read' so it wasn't that bad, but the story is fast since chapter... 2? I'd say? Then it all starts speeding up and before you know it you don't care, just like with all the other chinese stories.

I believe it won't be a big spoiler if I say that the MC has a cheat of
Alibaba/Aliexpress and as expected it is solve-all-remedy plot-armor-of-heavenly-whatever (so sick of it, can't he actually use his head for once).

Actually I didn't see much of those bullshit names like thousand tigers or needles or whatever which is a plus (but that's probably due to translation team).

I thought of reading up to newest chapter which is 27 rn, but 20th is my limit. I just hate when story is rushed, a lot of content omitted and those moments when 1+1 should equal 2 but it turns out to be 3. Why you ask? The MC rushes with the answer, it is obvious that he added 1 yesterday but you didn't know that because you didn't have to, because plot armor and stuff and ofc this part of plot was omited!

It reminds me of my idiot cousin (who I secretly hate and await the day he hopefully dies so I can laugh at his grave and have great mood for at least a day or two) that used to say... In translation from childrens's gibblish "he has always +1 more point in INT than me, so whatever I do I will always be dumber than him."
Yeah sure. Words alone don't increase intelligence especially for a cunt like him.

I don't like chinese stories. Release that witch may be the only one I read but I don't hate them. I only hate that one dumb cunt which is enough.

3.5/10 overall.
Mostly suffering from skipping a lot of stuff and overall rushing the story like a trainwreck it will eventually become.
Thanks for visiting my TED talk about my idiot cousin this manhua.

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