From Black Santa - Oneshot

Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
Not sure what that ending was about. Why did she want to separate from him so much? Why did she think he wanted that? And turning himself in at that point just felt shortsighted, as it was implied he had already turned over a new leaf and only benefit from doing so is to remove the paranoia (can't even assuage any guilt that way as you can't atone in jail, but he could've if he remained free).

i was expecting the kid to die so the ending is more of a pleasant surprise than i thought
I was expecting him to report the kids circumstances to cops, preferably in a way incriminating himself as a robber (like getting a cop on patrol in person due to lacking a phone, or after he got hit find a police box and collapse at their door with the kid who then says everything - in this ending he could have died too). My pet ending was the kid dying when he found her there though (so yeah, kinda expected same as you for duration of that page), and him getting a cop as revenge not caring he gets caught too (or rushing as he hopes they can save (which would be why he doesn't try to do it anonymously) her but they arrive too late).

Well, before it was revealed the kid was bullied, I also half-expected her to be some kind of ghost from a dead body he never noticed back then, and he would find out in one of three ways at the end as a twist.
Nov 14, 2023
Haha waking up in the morning and cry reading this sweet beautiful story was not on my plan...
He saved Fuyuko from her shitbag dad, gave her a beautiful life.
Sadly Our Black Santa turned himself in to police for maybe killing Fuyuko's dad while saving her. But dont know why Black Santa did that. :'( it was going so beautifully. It would have been cherry on top if he would bless Fuyuko for her new life and give her away as she marries, brings home her family, her kids to him. I am sure he would be the best grandpa.
And maybe one day she will thank him for saving her that day and thank him for taking care of her all the time.
Well its a one shot and the future is on our imaginations so i think yeah this would happen...
Goddamnit its making my cry again... Beautiful read... <3
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2018
Do pages 37-38 imply that he kills her bio dad? Page 38 have him destroying the evidences...
Active member
Dec 8, 2019
Bruh why turn himself in and hurt his daughter like that
I think its heavily hinted that he murdered her father;; though i would argue in self defense. I think he is surrendering to the police over that if he feels some moral responsibility for it after abandoning his criminal past. And now his daughter is living away from him he feels that his daughter doesn't need him anymore and can live by herself as he faces whatever justice he feels is needed.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 20, 2023
Not sure what that ending was about. Why did she want to separate from him so much? Why did she think he wanted that? And turning himself in at that point just felt shortsighted, as it was implied he had already turned over a new leaf and only benefit from doing so is to remove the paranoia (can't even assuage any guilt that way as you can't atone in jail, but he could've if he remained free).
She probably knew that his father was thinking of turning himself in, so she told her in her way that “hey (not) dad, I am independent now, you dont have to worry about me anymore, do whatever you wanted.”

Should she stayed and convinced him to not turning himself in? Maybe.
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