I don't like how ursula is in his mind now and basically giving everything to the mc, I mean like cmon he's basically just a human puppet with all that nagging, tensura does this right with great sage/raphael/Manas : ciel, because great sage at the beginning doesn't have a personality and only active if Rimuru ask for something, and it only gains personality after it evolve to raphael but it only have a slight increase of personality, and then when it evolve into Manas : ciel it gains a personality of a kuudere and not a hag which is annoying, what's more is that Manas : ciel liked/felt possessive torwards Rimuru and not just messing around and nagging all the time, even with all that Rimuru still didn't use great sage/raphael/Manas : ciel all the time (meaning he still thinks on his own and not just goes on tutorial mode/easy mode)
Tl;dr = ursula is annoying hag, and great sage/raphael/Manas : ciel from tensura is a cute kuudere and not annoying