Fukakai na Boku no Subete o - Vol. 5 Ch. 23

Active member
Apr 16, 2018

Honestly, I don't think it's both his fault, and a child abuse... at least physically it is not.
While mentally, I think it's also not a matter of child abuse... at least from what I understand, for now. (while indeed mogumo got a load of mental burden from it, I don't think they did it while having the full intention of harming the child that way...)

The parent, seems to notices that something out of the ordinary is happening, but the rather than consulting on a doctor, they tried to pass it of as nothing sort of a big deal and probably would be able to be fixed by scolding them(?), mainly by the father, while the mother tried it in a much more subtle way.. which is not really helping. (I as of now is still not really keen on blaming the parent, tho' it's another matter if they've at least consulted a doctor about it and just outright deny it.)
I mean... not everyone would think of a mental problem when dealing with a child. (yep, not everyone.)
(And no, if you've think I am siding with the parent, I'm not. Since I myself honestly belief that a problem like this is quite a delicate matter to handle.)
And for Mogumo... well, as written... the person them(?)selves doesn't seem to understand how to handle such case very well and what to do about it and just go along with it... which is understandable...

damn'eet, human relation is hard to explain...

(and please correct me if in the previous chapter the family or mogumo already do such think as consult a doctor, since I... can't remember of it ever happening.. or just plainly forgot about it)
on another note... the hell am I supposed to refer to mogumo... I freaking rewrite this many times in order to avoid using "her/him". English is hard.... for not having a gender-neutral term beside "them, they... or it...."
yep. I don't understand what the hell am I typing after reading it once again... halp... (please at least let my point go through the other side... no, i'm not trying to pick a fight.)
May 22, 2020
@Myst Just use they/them. Those seem to be Mogumo's pronouns, as far as I can tell.

So for example: Mogumo didn't like growing up as a "boy". They felt they weren't a boy or a girl. They ended up gravitating towards femininity due to it not being masculinity, even though they didn't think it fit them. They didn't really like their increasingly masculine self, which caused them to experience dysphoria. Seeing themselves in the mirror, they got rash and thought they may as well just cut off that thing that caused them so much trouble. ...etc.

It's okay if you mistakenly refer to them with "he/him" or "she/her", as long as you're not doing it intentionally, especially if you're willing to learn how to properly refer to them. Hope this helps a little.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2018
@Myst No worries, it's good that you're making effort to understand the situation, I can break it down

Child abuse isn't just physical, it is categorized into 1) physical 2) sexual 3) psychological and 4) neglect

In this case it is a form of 3) and 4), and there is even a term for it: Parentification


when this happens at a young enough age, as is depicted in the manga, it is basically 100% the parent's fault, and should be classified as abuse.

Also, especially in this 4th category, parental intent is tricky to apply to cases of neglect and is very dependent on viewpoint.
Active member
Apr 16, 2018
For case like this... I, myself would either, use name or doing it in a roundabout way like "the said person, etc", or if I can't avoid it, them/y... but well, It's just using them/y feel kind of odd... probably came from the fact that my own home language's third-person pronouns which doesn't really translate in a gender specific way (which is doing a pretty good job at that to the point it can become very vague) that it can safely be used without worry of being rude/inconsiderate for case like this... and also, in this case (the manga), japan being.. japan which had it's own way of doing things.

Trying to understand things kinda become a habit at this point... but still, mistake can be made,(which would probably end up being me wanting to bury myself in a hole from shame... ugh).

For interpersonal(?) problem, I (for better or worse) tend to try to understand the reasoning of each person motive for doing thing from their perspective (in this case Mogumo, the parents.. and Sakura) as long as it's not too unreasonable, which would mostly end in me being indecisive about whose is right or wrong... rather than outright decide whose/what is right and wrong just from the shown evidence (in this case, the entire laid out story so far). tho' in the end it is presumptuous of me for doing so... haha...
And for this one, from the one you pointed out, I clearly lack the understanding of what do the extent of child abuse entail of.. which lead to my previous comment.

Anyway... that's a good read, since I for once probably would not have found it by myself.
I can see why it would count as child abuse now after reading those... especially from the point you pointed out, though I still can't really go on fully blaming the parent for now since after reading it again, Mogumo's surrounding environment seems to also have a part to play in it.... that's probably also caused by the parent...
Human relationship sure is complicated...

the topic the author choose for this manga sure become increasingly heavier each time I read it...
May 22, 2020
@Myst All in all, it's fine as long as you don't try to misgneder them. So as far as I can tell, we're chill.
Jul 18, 2020
You need to be so pathetic to read this manga when you hate the LGBTQ+ community

I don't know dude, but if you hate the community get a fucking life and do other kind of stuff.


Aug 13, 2019
honestly when i started this i was seeking some uwu stuff but god damn this is heavy
Aggregator gang
Sep 30, 2018
I can’t put into words just how much I hate the father, what a complete and utter asshole. Wondering how the next chapter will go, considering how the father has acted up until now.

(My own father is a narcissistic douche who never acted like a father parent figure and I’d literally have to act like he was a child and I was the parent whenever we had to go shopping, among other things. So that aspect in this chapter with the “be the man of the house” comment really irked me.)

(And still amazed this many chapters in, I’m still finding new users to add to my block list. Why people who obviously don’t care about the manga and want to waste their time shitposting in here I’ll never understand.)
Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2020
One of the best chapters in a long while, glad to see the focus shift to this more interesting stuff again. Some painful content, hopefully it'll have an okay resolution.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 31, 2020
Ignorant parents are to blame for everything that happened to them both nothing more, nothing less.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
oof this hurts to read. it hurts the most to see the mom. she wasn't a maliciously prejudiced bigot like the dad. she's not a boomer, more like an ignorant Gen X'er, she was just trying to raise a son according to what she'd been taught was right. of course some part of the blame goes to her for not taking Mogumo's words seriously when they were young. but it was too late when she realized her mistakes. it's too fucking real. this is such a god-tier manga
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 23, 2019
Fuck their family, they did nothing wrong, it must be awful not being able to be who you feel like you are
Mar 23, 2019
Fuck LGBT community and everything that is associated with it, you guys are fucking disgust me to no end and I wish for you all scum to be tortured in the most painful way possible and be unable to die for all eternity.

Ahhh, fuck it. Okay, maybe I don't 100% mean what I wrote. But you still disgust me. 😀
Double-page supporter
Mar 15, 2020
what the hell is wrong with these people in the comment section?!
Like they're always trying to pin the blame on someone (I did it some chapters ago, my mistake on judgement), it's pretty obnoxious of them.

Do you guys think you were all-accepting fuckers right from the moment you were born? I don't think so sir, your/our generation has much, much less transphobia than the period when the said parents of Mogumo grew up, wanna know why? Information, & Internet.

You guys would be raging transphobes too if it weren't for the widespread of the internet and more knowledge about gender stuff, which they didn't have the luxury to get. They grew up doing what they were taught.
if any trans/ trans-supporter here suddenly reach a future were being or supporting trans is considered horribly wrong, like how we perceive transphobia, would you consider supporting trans still? I f you do, then that's exactly what the parents have been doing, doing what they always believed to be right. Nobody here is any better of a person than them, heck, the mom is very sweet imo. If anything, you guys JUST KNOW BETTER.
And if you guys think blaming and hating (I know these are fictional char.s, but I felt like saying it) someone who knows less than you, well...

And to the guy who said they hate lgbt+ comm., although I don't agree with you entirely, their representation on the internet is what I'd call omega-level toxic waste. So if you're hating on them due to some Twitter chains or so, that's like hating humanity because some retard behaved to you in a shitty manner, so yeah, just ignore the internet part, they're still the same as any other person.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
Mogu's also in the wrong here for inadvertently doing all those hurtful things to their family but they were a kid and wants to make up for their past mistakes so the future is all that matters
Mar 13, 2023
Is it me or Mogumo seems to be more masculine when they were in middle school. Before chapter 22, I thought that Mogumo looks cute when they were in high school , I thought that puberty didn't hit Mogumo that hard , I didn't even expected that Mogumo voice was changing and having their Adam's Apple before chapter 22, or they looks so masculine when they were in middle school.

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