Love Me for Who I Am


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
Life is simpler when we can just have physical gender and mental gender columns with three options for both columns, male, female, neither.
Jan 13, 2020
Not sure what kind of delusion you have to be in to believe queer identities are this white-only fantasy but

I don't think the intent could get more obvious than the mother talking to a trans man and reading a book titled "LGBT+" to understand what Mogumo's going through
Mar 13, 2019
@Orangechrisy I think i agree with you (and scientific fact as general) that transgender (people born in the wrong body) is do exist. At the same time I do agree with @theguywithoutanyname too. They do need to meet some professional to get the help they need.

That is a defect, a disorder, a kind of disease, that we need to cure. If, and just if, the cure is not possible or has not been discovered, at that time that we as a society, need to learn to accept them as they are with all their condition. And now (actually long ago) at least the attempt to cure it has been discovered: (strictly regulated & mental assessed) sex-change surgery, hypnotherapy, habit & act intervention, etc...

The Psychiatrist, Psychologist, etc accepting them? Sure they do. It is the same like we accept the Cancer patients, the HIV/AIDS patients, the deaf patients...we accept & admit that they do exist. But does it means that we must let them be and not try to do anything to cure them?

If you said yes, let me tell how this is going to happen. As this is does happen long ago in deaf & dwarfism patients since 90s (or 80s, i forgot):
- they are born with it, they are struggling with it
- their parents, dont want to pressure them, learn & teach them to accept their conditions
- they (the parents & their kid) press the society around them to accept it to (at least their neighbors)
- at first it is good, all people give them special treatments, and dont forget to teach their kid to accept them too and dont bully them.
- and then, when they grow to be an adult, the society hits them hard on the FACE!!
- Shocked, they're running away from society. Dont want to at least learn to include themselves, and search for another people like them to make their own group to give them some confidence.
- Internet comes, the group become larger. They started to has some power. Start pressing the government & society at large. Government, pressed by the mass & moral values, make some arrangements for them.
- The group become bigger, as a National association. They has some rule & power, even facility & tradition. Everyone included in there has some "identity" & more "value".
- The group identity become more valuable than the society value. This is become their member "identity".
- The CURE is discovered!! (Cochlear implant)
- Some want to get cured, the other.... dont even want to and cursing whoever does. Why? Because if they are not DEAF, what are they? They grow with DEAF as their identity. To be cured is like throwing your identity to the trashcan. The identity that they grow & achieved as an association long ago with fight to the death against law, government, and society as a whole. To be cured is like rejecting their ancestors blood & sweat that they shed for them. They are traitors!!! (This is even adapted in an episode of medical series HOUSE M.D.)

See how fucked up it will be? To just accept them and do nothing.

Edit: It does happen before, dont nake this happen again. Dont let any children, struggling with their conditions just sit there, being inside the dilemma the society press at them. Pushed by the "modern activist" vs "religion doctrine". We can help them, we can at least try to cure them. Not just pressing the problem for "another time" till they grow to be an adult. At that point, they will be Hit by the society in the FACE. That is & will be late...
Oct 25, 2019
stop interacting with the freaks in the comments disagreeing with literally every medical association in existence. Let them die mad.
Active member
Aug 31, 2020
Wow lot of Ignorant people here anyway why does this say ongoing but it already has a final chapter
Aug 20, 2020
why is everyone here so stupid?

being trans itself doesnt make you suffer.
not being accepted does.

Being homosexual doesnt make you suffer, not being accepted does.

Just let people live their lives for fucks sake.

Gender Dysphoria is still being researched, but as long as we dont even understand its origin, we cant "cure" (kindly fuck off please) it.
most common theory is that parts of the brain responsible for your gender identity actually ARE that of the other sex, so its not something you can fix easily without literally changing the brain itself.

Transition on the other hand has shown again and again how effective it is.
So just.... let em live`?
Who are you to dictate to them that they cant do it and should wait for a never existing miracle cure?

There hasnt been A SINGLE CASE of gender dysphoria being cured with other methods than transition (except for that one dude that wasnt actually dysphoric, but had undiagnosed shizophrenia)
Feb 3, 2020
Man sometimes people insisting parts of my identity aren't real and are mental disorders make me think of someone yelling at a tree that trees don't exist. Only trees don't comit suicide due to not being accepted into society. The father in this manga has seen that part while forgetting that not being yourself is draining. Transitioning helps people feel comfortable in their own skin, if they had body disphoria, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to lower suicide rates if it doesn't lead to acceptance by others. I generally feel that people should be able to say, as I know that my political beliefs are more likely to be cracked down on if we don't defend free speech than my political enemies. Just remember that denying the self of others you are doing your small part in pushing people to suicide. That isn't to say it is a large part all the time, yall random fuckers on the internet. But you are watering the seed in their head planted by a bigoted society that blooms in death.
Mar 13, 2019
@Raven_Sloth yup, as I said before, I accept that. Transgender is real. They exist. But please, for the sake of God, please tell me you just "changed" (sex-change surgery) after consulting & doing mental assessment with a professional (either psychiatrist or psychologist, or any mental/health expert). If you do, congrats, I wholeheartedly accept you in a society, and I hope others will too.

Trans (people born in the wrong type of body) is do exist. But they are not truly "visible". They dont have lump of flesh growing in their body like a cancer patient do, they dont stop growing like a dwarfism patient do, from outside unprofessional observation they are normal. The only one who can and should assess them is the professional. Not themselves because it is 100% subjective, not the family for the same reason, not even friends or even government. Just the professional.

It is a defect, a disorder, something wrong which can be made correct. Like another defect or disorder in health. And like other health problem, it must be diagnosed by the expert & cured by the proper method too. Evidence-based treatments/medicine.

See, its like this: you cant just said you have cancer and requesting chemotherapy without diagnosed by oncologist. Even if you feel so much pain, it is not cancer if it's not been examined & diagnosed by them yet. That is a serious illness, not like some cold that can easily perceived by your mother. This need state of the art equipment & high-tech method to get the decision.

The same for trans: i dont care if you like the color pink, like to play with doll, like to use skirt more than pants, you are not a trans if the experts dont say so. If they do, okay, do the treatments they assigned to you. Either hypnotherapy, habit & act intervention, or even sex-change surgery. If not, then it is just you, get over it!

If you said you know more than expert: What!? It's your body so you know better!? Tell it to me when you has any piping problem. Thats your house, your pipe, you should know better too yeah? Electrical problem? Good luck getting electrocuted. Car problem? Etc...

Please, just please consult with the expert first before making such a irreversible treatment. If you do, i accept you. If dont, i hope you dont regret it like many child who has been given the same treatment by their parents.
Mar 24, 2020
I asked somebody to tell me what a non binary person is.

They said someone who doesn't identify as male or female.

I asked them again what non binary is.

Same answer.

It wasn't really answering my question. You're only telling me what a non binary person isn't.

I see non binary as more like a lack of identity than having one.

The person I asked got mad and blocked me. Sometimes it feels like dealing with children.
Feb 7, 2019
That's because non-binary is an umbrella term. It can be used to describe a large variety of gender experiences. The only qualifier is that someone's identity doesn't fit neatly into male or female. It's not the absence of an identity, just having any identity other than just male or female.
Hopefully this is more helpful than that other person.
Jan 7, 2020
This manga is such an emotional rollercoaster ...
I just want Mogu to be happy.
Apr 22, 2019
They are just shilling out so they don’t get canceled and have their business run into the ground. Notice how they only changed their tune about people like this when it started being socially unexpectable to look at these people in that way, not because of any scientific breakthrough.
Feb 25, 2020
As a revenge lover, kinda disappointed the father didn't get a slap/punch. He has a really punchable face. But since he's willing to understand, I guess it's alright.
Sep 23, 2019
All this could be quickly solved if "diverging sexualites" and "diverging gender norms/roles" stopped being treated as a disease/disorder. You don't see people sterilizing left-handed people for being left-handed now do you? People still do that with people who are trans or homo, some even get killed for it. This would be the same as killing someone for not liking tomatoes because you do, or if you really wanna go into it, because of wrong-think, which is in fact is still a common occurrence in this day and age.

Humanity isn't gonna die out or go post-apocalyptic because ~0.01% of the population doesn't subscribe to an enforced ideology. But this isn't about that. And it never has been. It's simply about wrong-think and the power and control that comes with said topic. If you disagree then others might and that goes against these two things I will keep mentioning. Always has been. And always will be. So to the gulag with you. Or better yet, get helicoptered which was quite popular not so long ago. It still of course exists just in a different form (usually a very high place).

Now transtrenders are also not helping the current issue at hand, thereby making it more of a personality disorder (if you will). And the same goes for all current LGBTBBQ movements who only do things for non-political positive gains and not helping anything or anyone but themselves in the end. This is the issue no one wants to tackle because that means pointing out the flaws and no one wants to get LGBTQGated because of that.

You can blame the patriarchy and normalized and sexualized gender grooming (in the form of genital mutilation in its several forms of either gender, and the enforced ear piercings as an example, that is so popular on baby girls) in that regard as well. But that's not really ever gonna change, the same way how fetishes get normalized after some time has passed. Same way how we have gender-segregated toilets for either gender. That's pretty fucked up if you ask me, But in reality the problem lies with men. I'm not blaming humans men per say but males as an idea in the mammalian species. They are often degenerate by nature (due to their very nature) hence the reason they are treated as such. Just because humans can reason doesn't mean human males (or even females) are any less degenerate (from a biological standpoint). It's just simply the way most are designed. Some can do something against it if the options are there. But most can't.

Same reason as to why reporting or talking about rape has always been taboo (you have a religion based on that topic, don't forget that), but abortion is a big no-no.

Any state that enforces these things is pretty much doing what any state would do, same what any theology usually subscribes to as well: power and control. Any divergence needs to be repelled or else. This is sadly part of human nature and society and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. You wanna fight it? Then go ahead. Just remember that pretty much the entire human population is more or less against you. Just like any rodent would be when it comes to food you both have access to. And there's a obvious reason as to why humans are often compared to rats (go figure).

As for those of you who are not of the "general norm". I highly recommend you to ex-communicate those that are only causing you pain and anguish. Family or friends, they will drive you insane in the long run. Treat them as useful idiots until the time is right if you got no real options. And do pick up a few hobbies along the way and stick with em. The more the merrier as they say. If you need tips on escapism then reading, drawing and music are pretty much the get-go and can be enjoyed anywhere in our current age.

Signing out.
Mar 13, 2019
@BorkBork I get your point, but the problem with your analogy, mate:

Some left-handed people accept their conditions, and just keep living like that. Even if it means they have to struggle.

Some other left-handed people try to learn using their right hands too and become ambidextrous so they can fit in with others (society)

And the most important: the parents of left-handed people don't assign them on irreversible treatment such as hand-and-motor-nerves reassignment surgery when they find their child is drawing with left hand. And the child who just got along with it find themselves regretting that decision because as they grew older they realize that they aren't really comfortable with using left hand all the time (left-handed pretenders). But at that point, they are too late. The right hand nerves have all withered...

See? I dont said that left-handed people dont exist, it just not supposed to be this many. Not every child who draw with left hand is left-handed, not every child who crossdress is trans, not every child who prefer to play with their pets is a zoophilia, etc...

So, before you (the child or the parents) takes such big and irreversible treatment (surgery) it is best to takes some assessment & diagnose from an expert. To be truly confidence in knowing your condition, so you dont regret it later.

If, we consider the "trans" conditions is a small divergent/conditions like "left-handed" do, they must be given the same countermeasures like them too (see my comments above), which is:

1) just accept their conditions, and living like that. Even if it means they must struggle. Keep being trans, but dont push others to accommodate you specifically. It is good if they do, give them some plus points, but you must accept & dont be in an outrage if they dont. Just like left-handed people in 3rd world country college campus. Just dont expect to get the left-handed exam chair and just go & struggle with it...
2) learn to fit in with society. It is hard. But hey, even some left-handed people can learn to use their right hand too, right? Try to like what they like, try to do what they do. It is hard. If you're success, good. If dont see no.1 above.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
Are you suggesting that just being trans is dumping your biological sex down the drain? It would be cool to actually explain your points instead of just using arrows.
What...? Those aren't businesses... Those are national and international health organizations. They can't even be "cancelled" or run into the ground. A lot of these organizations started changing how they referred to and treated trans people back in the 70s and 80s, as that was when transgender recognition really started, as in that's when medical world realized "Oh, these people exist. Maybe we shouldn't demonize them for no reason". The DSM removed being trans from their list of mental disorders back then too. During that time not only were trans people not socially accepted in the slightest, but no one in the lgbt community was. It took until the 2010s for gay marriage to gain majority support in America. They didn't just change their tune when trans stuff started becoming more socially acceptable, it's still not really socially acceptable in a lot of America and the vast majority of the world. Where are you even getting your information? Because it's complete nonsense

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