Love Me for Who I Am

Aug 21, 2018
Someone should've told him it's okay to be a boy and like feminine things.

At an early age he was told by his father boys shouldn't act this way, because he liked feminine things.

And I feel like because of that it really cemented in his mind that he's neither.

But I guess nobody around him cares enough to bring this stuff up with him?..

We don't help people by having them indulge in their delusions. We help them understand the world around them.
Jul 7, 2020
Thank you very much for translating this manga. It became my favorite manga very quickly since it was the only series I was reading at the time that was focused on LGBT themes. But it was a very wholesome read I will miss it a lot ^^
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
I mean you can just ignore half of what I said in that comment that's cool.
Maybe the guy doesn't really hate trans people or enjoys a good story? All this points out is that he is open minded enough to read this manga. Considering this a yikes just shines light to the real problem, its that most trans people are fragile.
Now, I'm not one to jump to conclusions but here are some quotes from that guy:
Gender identity my ass, go to a psychiatrist and get the help you need. Just because this bs has been normalized doesn't mean its somehow ok or acceptable. People on twitter saying its fine doesn't make it not a mental illness.
Being trans is straight up a defect. Give me proper, legitimate proof that its something natural and good for people, and that transitioning is anything but merely satiating a delusion.
I didn't say hate because it's an cop out people use, "I don't hate trans people, I just think they are mentally ill. I'm just concerned about them." But, if you think this guy is in any way open minded about this subject, you're just wrong. They clearly are quite transphobic, and I can't say if they hate trans people entirely, but they certainly are hateful towards trans people, as calling trans people mentally ill is being hateful towards them. You can't just ignore all the context to what I was saying and make up some bs about this guy.
Also, calling being trans a defect and saying that transitioning is merely satiating a delusion is worthy of a yikes on it's own, but there is also the previous context to add on to it too. And if you don't think what they said was a yikes (which it is clear you don't since you agree with them), then gonna be honest that's a bit of a yikes as well. And I don't think that calling their views worthy of a yikes indicates that I'm fragile, I'm just reacting to someone saying that I am a defect and that me transitioning is just trying to satiate a delusion, and reacting to that with a yikes is hardly the most fragile way to react.

How come Gigi despite knowing that she couldn't have kids before transitioning she still feels embarrassing because she cannot go through womanhood and feel like a woman? obvs this is a delusion.
I wasn't aware being embarrassed about the topic of pregnancy was the same as believing she has XX chromosomes. In fact if you watch that video like 3 minutes in or something she states a bunch of times in a row that she is well aware that she can't get pregnant and doesn't have the ability to ever do so. I have no idea why you think this is delusion. Pregnancy seems like a reasonable thing to get embarrassed about anyways.

Mind you this is a delusion that transitioning amplifies if the trans person is being lovebombed and this constant barrage of confirmation that they are a woman and that they are a man and not the other. This doesn't even bring up the suicide rate either.
Trans women being supported and accepted does not make them believe that they have XX chromosomes or that they can get pregnant. Also, if you want to bring up the suicide rate you can, I can too, and I can guarantee that you very much do not know the suicide rate, are woefully misinterpreting the data on that stuff, and that you haven't actually read any of the studies that that data comes from. But sure, bring it up if you want.

Because it has been shown many many times (this is a link you can click) by now that transitioning is the only way that we know of to alleviate gender dysphoria, and it improves depression and anxiety in trans people too. Conversion therapy, aka trying to tell trans people that they are not the gender that they say they are, has only been shown to cause harm, just as it did with gay people.

It only helps because it is just reaffirming what they believe. If I want to identify as a man and get a robo dick of course it would help because it is reaffirming that I am a man.
You can do that if you would like, but for someone who is struggling with dysphoria it can quite literally be a life saver. It's not just "reaffirming what they believe", I can tell you first hand that it's not. Medically transitioning is making me hate my body less. Socially transitioning is making me feel more comfortable around others and making it so that I don't feel like I need to constantly hide away from people. And I can also tell you that the aggression and hostile reaction my dad had to me coming out makes me feel deeply uncomfortable in my own home and makes me feel like I'm suffocating just being around him. No part of transitioning is really ever about reaffirmation, its about being able to feel comfortable with oneself. Again, first hand experience.

literally just a thing because Dr. Money took advantage of David and forced him to be a girl by making him do sexual acts with his brother. Ofc David believed he was a girl (constant reaffirming throughout his teens) until his parents told him he was supposed to be a boy which led to him feeling suicidal. Yall should really look into this botched study. vile stuff. I don't know how nobody took the manipulation Dr. Money did to make David Reimer feel like a girl.
Aight I'm not gonna defend a pedophile. To be honest the first time I heard about this guy was due to someone arguing a similar point, and as it stands, no one needs to support this guy or what he did in order to consider gender a thing. There are many other people who have studied gender, sex, and the like, and many other people who have created and expanded upon theories and notions regarding this stuff. Dr. Money is a guy who was in a position of power and abused kids with it, and I hate every part of that. I also hate that he is even associated with this stuff as it gives people something to point to in order to try and say that gender doesn't exist. Along with that, what Dr. Money did to David is probably more proof that trans people exist, considering he still identified as a man after all that stuff was done to him, and he felt terrible about all of it. The fact that transitioning so greatly helps trans people, and hurts people who are forced to transition when they aren't trans, just helps to show that trans people exist.
Also, you didn't even bother to read all of David's wikipedia article. He was already deeply suicidal at age 13, and said he would take his own life if he had to see Dr. Money again. At that point his parent's told him about the surgery and he completely disassociated from Dr. Money. Already at that point he had felt different and isolated from the girls at school. He never really did ever feel like a girl, despite the treatments. So no, he didn't only become suicidal after being told about the surgery, and no reaffirming by Dr. Money and assumedly his parents up until he was 14 did not make him feel like a girl or make him feel better. Dr. Money's original hypothesis, and what he reported as a success, was the idea that gender is learned and not innate, and David proved this to be completely wrong. Dr. Money was also trying to do this in order to get people to use reassignment surgery as a solution to botched infant gentile surgeries like circumcision, as well as for intersex conditions, all of which is quite terrible.

So got any more insights of wisdom to bring upon us? It really sounds like you definitely know what you are talking about
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
Mogumo was saying they weren't a boy nor a girl well before their father said those things. This wasn't caused by their father saying they couldn't wear feminine things. They were allowed to do so freely for a while. And their father saying that stuff didn't cement anything into their mind about their gender, it was already something Mogumo had said a number of times by then. It really sounds like you are deliberately ignoring a lot of the manga in order to reach for your conclusions.
Jun 14, 2020
Great manga, that i will cherry much. Thanks to Konyama Kata for making this manga and Hachimitsu san for translating it.
Feb 22, 2021
So, I can understand why it has ended, as the story's focus was basically Mogumo's journey of acceptance from them selves and thier family.
But damn, I wanted more, if we're lucky the author might make a sequel where everyone has grown up.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
Maybe for the other characters perspective.
There's more into them.
After all They don't feel like one dimensional characters.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
So, non-binary?
Idk if non binary considered as trans.

But I am sure Mogumo consider themselves as neither boy or girl.
Mogumo wanted to be dressed femininely not because he/she is a trans but rather does not wanting to be matched with gender stereotypes like his father trying to enforce them to.

But Mogumo still indeed follows the girl line up during grade school likely because they like feminine things (?)
I am unsure but we in the end found out that Mogumo sex is not what matters but rather Mogumi wanting to be accepted as they're hence the title.

To the guy who's definitely transphobic. Trans is not a mental illness but certainly a different kind of brain that doesn't match a normal people are. There's already some fact shown that Trans people brain match more of their opposite gender brain eg born male but brain matches more of a female.
It certainly is not a defect or illness.

But trans people does have a highrate of suicide because society does not accept them neither their closest friend or family. Being normal clearly doesn't felt like normal to them. Trying to be free from normal also cost them alot. Coming out as one also considered a social suicide. That leaves them with almost no way out of the cycle hence depression and suicide.

Giving them a normal treatment like "trying to make them normal" will worsened it. So Transitioning may help some people.

Do mention there's an actual Gender Dysphoria and there's some people who just have no idea what they're doing because either they were manipulated or their have no idea what to do. Hence the reason why there's controversial thing against trans child.

Sometimes I am just confused as most people are but there's thing you got to accept even if you don't understand. And most of the times people won't understand at all...
Jul 3, 2020
@depzdai Mogumo isn't his son, they're his child. They are non-binary. They are neither male nor female.

@Xaelath non-binary does fall under the transgender umbrella. Also trans is an adjective, not a noun. It isn't "a trans" it's "a trans person" (Yes that is important, complain to transphobes because they're the reason it is important)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
Nonbinary is considered trans, as being trans is not being the gender you were assigned at birth and nonbinary people certainly are not the gender they were assigned at birth. And yes, Mogumo is very much nonbinary. They knew they weren't a guy since practically as early as they could think, and sometime in elementary school they realized that they didn't fit as a girl either. It's a fair bit hard to come to the conclusion "I am nonbinary" if you have never seen or heard of nonbinary people before, but Mogumo still managed to put the pieces together after a few years by sometime in middle school.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
As usual with anything concerning these topics the comments are a shit-show, nonetheless, my opinions:

This is weird, really weird, it seems to be attempting to be lighthearted while dealing with very serious topics, it dips into really dark areas and then hops out in the ever so stereotypical, happy-go-lucky, Shoujou "we don't actually deal with our problems" way, one minute you're seeing a suicide attempt the next it's all hugs and friendship. It's like the author can't decide on how to frame the story.
The story itself is... fine? It's nothing to write home about but it's good enough to keep reading, it tries to tackle larger problems even if the solution to them isn't great, more than I can say for most manga like this.
But, nearly every problem is solved right away, people who are shown to be aggressively against the MC change in an instant, the "bad" guys turn into "no I totally wasn't about to abuse you, I'll sit and listen calmly" The problems they show just get washed away and while I deeply wish reality was so simple, it isn't, and the author is trying to show thosereal problems and solving them with incredibly unreal events, it doesn't mesh for me. Maybe that's just my personal cynicism but throughout reading this over the years it's always stuck out to me. It doesn't feel right. The ending is also very abrupt, feels axed to me.
That said, I think this is a good read overall, I think it showcases a view society doesn't really see often, it was very eye-opening to me years ago when it first came around, I'd say it's worth a shot.
Dec 20, 2019
This is very good and the ending is verrrry fitting for the series and the topic itself.
Mar 19, 2018
The ending was a bit hand-wavy, but it was still pretty good. Definitely helped me, a cisgender, empathize with trans people a bit more.

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