Fukushuu Kyoushitsu

Fed-Kun's army
Sep 9, 2018
It's a great story, but told badly. It obscured it endgame by red herring the plot too much that it became a mess. Like, "Let me cherrypick the facts you should know so that you perceive the bad guys as good and the good guys as bad." I know that's called subversion, but subversion never play well when the one being subverted is the dramatic irony.

Group Leader
Jun 24, 2018
Rarely does a manga of this kind continue to be fuckingly interesting from beginning to end. As always the convenient tragedies that shape our characters are blatant as ever, but at least the author try to piece them all together instead of just leaving them as one-off backstories. I geniuely thought the ending was good. Probably my favourite revenge manga ever and definitely my guilty pleasure.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
This suffers from a sever case of the author writing as he goes along. I sort of liked it, but there are a lot of things that really don't make much sense.

@Phuocphuc46 Okay, do you have ANY idea what the hell that final reveal on the last page was even supposed to mean?
Group Leader
Mar 26, 2019
i was going to reread this one
yet another title with missing chapters
did the scanlator group delete their uploads?
Group Leader
Jun 24, 2018
@Itsn honestly, I think it’s just the author’s poor reasonings of why and how all the events happened. It was completely unnecessary, but since the character revealing has had absolutely no development and was obviously building up to a revelation, that happened. It doesn’t change the already messed up ending though imo
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
In case anyone stumbles upon this in the future and is curious, I don't think there are actually any missing chapters. Looks like it's just formatted weird. Like the "chapter number" is based off the victim number, but since there are sometimes 2 victims in a single chapter, that throws off the numbering.
Feb 2, 2018
This wasn't very good. I don't think the author had any of it planned before he started and just made stuff up. Part way through he decided to throw twists in and none of them really work, and some of them downright don't even make sense.

Also apparently 90% of the men in this manga's universe have absolutely no qualms with raping. One time is bad enough, but the author just kept putting in (heavily implied) rape scenes. It's a cheap technique to illicit discomfort. Then again this is a world where the better part of a middle school class are psychopaths and later murderers. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 18, 2018
Too much rape really. Also didn't explain Ren's motives on ordering Daisuke to rape Ayane. All messed up really. It really reeks of "unplanned developments" just like @datonegui said. Miho's motives are also unclear and her obsession with "No Longer Human" is also unexplained. I have come to pity the MC as she is only really a puppet. MC's father is really the one to blame. And yes, too much rape really, hurts my soul. I wouldn't feel as bad if there were no rape actually.

This is just a rant for bettering my feelings, forgive me if I disturbed your comment reading.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
It's bad. Like wow. It went from "Edgy revenge story" to "WE'RE ALL PART OF ONE BIG GAME WITH A MASTERMIND THAT KNOWS EVERYTHING URRR".

The story starts by being interesting and all, watching everything happen to most of them being just full fleshed sociopaths. And the first deaths... That was the turning point that made me really impressed. How Ayana reacts to what she's done, the "classmates" etc...
And after that... It still felt good to read how everything was gonna continue... To an extent.

Because now, the fuckfest is starting with my biggest issue with this manga : A lot, and I mean a LOT of things were left without much thoughts behind them. Three examples of that :
- You're saying that, at least 1/4 of these Children are actual sociopaths that knows a lot more of shit than what we're actually shown? Like, a lot of things happens because "Dunno, it just happens that I know shit that even adults don't know about". Like... Ugh.
- Miho, Ren and maybe, if I squeeze her a bit, Mari. You know what they have in common? We don't fully understand them. Like really. Mari, we get a hold of her thoughts but even then it's blurry and plain out stupid. Ren is an asshole that needs to die so why...
Why does he receives some sort of redemption? He's responsible for raping, bullying and all other kind of shit that happened to Ayana but suddenly "Ah, Miho and me we're your friends even tho we never ever stopped the bullying lol. But still, we love you."
. And I'm not even talking about "No More Humans obsessed girl" Miho. Her motives? Unknown. Her means of doing it? Just mention a "Network", nothing more's needed.
Normally it would be fine to have this kind of "You won't ever fully understand them" kind of characters in a story.... But really, now it's just annoying. And just for the joke, my third example.
- The mastermind. Now, spoiler time.
So umm... This is what I call the "Too perfect antagonist" syndrom. He knows everything, predicted everything and because of the existence of such an individual, the story is bound to become nothing more than "All according to Keikaku (Keikaku means Plan)" with no more real... Interest put in the story. This shit is way too unbelievable to be just the plan of someone that knew everything would happen like what he expected it to be. It just made the whole story pointless and boring after that twist. And just like how Yuuya found this whole story boring because it all went as he had expected it to go, I did too because of that stupid stun at the end just suddenly putting everything to end in nothing but dissappointment.
All of that made me want to scream "What's the point of introducing such a thing if it goes against the whole narrative of everyone being unpredictable?"

At the end, it was just a lot of build up with characters being geniuses, sociopaths and just "Rape, murder and other fun things" that ended with... What? Nothing... Really, nothing. The whole thing was planned by a mastermind but the author probably just put a lot of drama tropes in and tried to pull it together but the end really is nothing more than boring.

The start was good even if it felt "Edgy" so probably a 7-8 but the end just killed the whole mood with a 3. I give this whole manga a 5 for its efforts. I won't recommend it to anyone.
Double-page supporter
Apr 19, 2018
@Magikal_Maggs I just re-read it. The first parts were decent enough edgy revenge story stuff, but I agree
having a mastermind was just a dumb plot twist. I knew someone was going to be surprise related to Ayana, and it was building up to be Miho, but there were never any hints of a mastermind behind it all. And Miho's secretly for Ayana all along? That was just weird, though they did make a good point that Ayana always seemed to say "eh, I'll deal with Miho later."

Second, Ren is a Karma Houdini. Arguably - at least before the end reveals - the worst one in the class, and
he basically wins in the end

Finally, there's a worse plot hole than
the mastermind
. That's the fact that Ayana was ever caught off guard by any of this. She had detailed dossiers on the entire class.
her secret relative
, everyone's motives - including Mari and the others - should have been readily known to her. Mari was a cut above Ayana? Not the Ayana we started off with at the beginning of this manga.
Aggregator gang
Oct 5, 2018
I'm still confused the dang Ren. Dude like mc and decided to rape, bully, and harm her physically? Wot??
Jun 16, 2020
This was one fcking bad story, someone bring me bleach so I can pour it all over my eyes. In all honestly, don't bother reading it. It's a very edgy revenge story where everyone's a huge d*ck and rapist for no reason - and in the end, when they finally do reveal the reasons, it's the biggest asspull out of nowhere. It's almost as if the author had no clue how to end the story so he just added a final plot twist that had absolutely 0 foreshadowing or planning

There are some things that make 0 fcking sense and, specially after the final big revelations, the past actions of some characters just make my brain hurt *cough cough* REN *cough cough*
All in all, it's the story of a huge highschool asshole who's somehow "a genius" (cuz anime lol) and because of that he's bored to the point where he "planned" (anime bullshit again) the whole events of the manga with the family of a random girl crumbling, her somehow getting raped and that results in her getting revenge by bullying/raping mc and then mc killing everyone else

Freaking garbage ass manga. At least the beginning was the type of enjoyable edgy manga, but then with all the rape, asspulls and trash writing, it just becomes unbearable. If you're a masochist and feel like suffering since it brings you pleasure, you're free to read it. Some chapters include 2 scanned ones, hence why it might tell you that some chapters are missing when in reality they're not
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
You know, you raised a good point. I literally forgot that Ayana had information sheets about all of her classmates. Like, I think up until the first death (maybe until later), she knew every thing about her classmates : Like, dislike, hobby, favourite place to go,etc. But after that, she went from heartless genius to "I'm human too so.I suddenly make mistakes"

At the end of the day, the goddamn author forgot about it... I really liked the start but the end was dissappointing with so many plot holes in the story still wide open.
Mar 5, 2018
So many plotholes

So what was all the foreshadowing in chapter 4? https://mangadex.org/chapter/35935/32
-Why did Yuuko call Ayana a traitor in the flashback?
-Why did Miho have this ominous smirk when Ayana said they were friends?
-Who was Emi talking to she said "You're the one behind this Ayana bullying mess..."?

If Ren liked Ayana
-Why did he bully her and have his two friends rape her?
-Why did he force her to kiss glasses-kun and reject Ryou?
-When he was about to die, why did he talk like daisuke and ochi were good people? They're fucking rapists.

If Miho knew all this shit from before, why didn't she do anything about it? Still doesn't explain why she and Ren were conspiring together.
-Why did she say she herself was worse than shit?

The whole scene where Ren saves Ayana then Miho gets kidnapped was unnecessary and made no sense. He should've just beat up the two girls and exposed their plan to Ayana right there.

The only good person in this is Ryo and I can't believe the author redeemed that piece of trash Ren. He should've died.

The father should have also died.
May 26, 2020
Lol I dont need to add anything after reading all the other comments. Everyone is absolutely right. I kept reading the story coz I wanted answers and the author just left us with a ending that seemed worse than a joke. I feel cheated...😂

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