I am looking for a futa short stories like this one, well just 2 panels only if I'm not wrong.
It's about a futa girl who post selfie pictures and is seen by her brother. I believe it was posted here not too long ago, I just can't seem to remember the title.
@thewonderousl Yeah, been racking my brain here too but got no luck...
@thylex You can do a research on mangaupdates with its advanced search function, it's very easy to look up for them, as non-hentai futa series are very few in number. =~=
@Razen Try your best and as soon as you find anything do let me know. @thylex I have a list some things you may find interesting https://myanimelist.net/mangalist/TheWonderousL
@humberto19 Last month we didn't get a new chapter because Kawakami was busy moving into his new home. The next chapter is almost finished. He's been streaming it via Pixiv Sketch https://sketch.pixiv.net/@kawakami_masaki for the last few days.
@Razen I hope some day it can be found, for now we can enjoy what we have and new ones down the line. Thanks for your efforts. @thylex These are the ones I have managed to find or have been found with help of a friend.
Looks like he's in the middle of getting a new computer or doing some kind of upgrade. Not sure if his died or he's taking a break or what. Bare in mind he's the artist for a properly serialized manga and also has a couple of non-pornographic series he sells as well. This is his side project for fun as far as I can tell.