Futari no Renai Shoka

Feb 2, 2018
This was good when it first came out a few years ago, and is still good now. If you haven't read it, I'd recommend you do. It's a fairly breezy read, mostly lighthearted romance fun while touching on some personal issues.
Jun 9, 2018
Whenever i read this it never fails to blow a hole in me with what it means to be lonely.

It's one of my favourite manga, from my favourite mangaka. i highly recommend it.
Double-page supporter
Jun 4, 2018
Heartwarming manga just like Half x Half, eventhough just some short stories.
Double-page supporter
May 18, 2018
Uneventful, lovable, heartwarming and just the right length to read in one afternoon.
The characters are mild though, which can be the strength and/or weakness of the story depending on your taste.
I personally enjoyed it.
Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2019
I've read this in other site but had to read it again and rate it here. Not perfect at all but wholesome to another level! It has the perfect length for an afternoon reading. 9.4/10
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2019
I liked this story but there is one thing I do not understand? What is the obsession with age gap in mangas? I mean the gender gap had no real purpose in this story even, except for a tiny bit of uneasiness in beginning. This story could the same easily have been told without the gender gap. Personally, I would have been more comfortable with a story like this without gender gap.

It is nice how this story is focusing on the actual love between the main characters and this without creating any extra drama by unnecessary love triangles and other artificial problems. Many stories written for adults focus on the sexual parts of the relation. This story does not go into that at all, it is all about their emotions and their love.
Feb 16, 2018
Perhaps age gap is a trope that can become a fetish for some people or a total turn off for others, but it's a merely a fact of life. While I in no way condone the child brides of some cultures, where an eight year old is forced to marry a middle aged man, there is no necessity for a married or cohabitating couple to be within a certain number of days or months in age to be other than peculiar. I am eight years older than my wife, and my sister is eight years older than her husband. My uncle married a woman sixteen years older than he was, and they were a totally devoted couple until her passing after their 50th wedding anniversary. Was my family obsessed with marital age gaps? Hell no, we just happened to get married when we met the person we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with (36+ years for me). In this story, it is germane to the plot that Kanoko is older than her very mature "husband." Maturity (mental and emotional maturity, not body maturity) definitely comes to different people at different ages. My wife was far more mature at eighteen years old than I was for a number of years after that, and I have known fellow males in their thirties and forties who are still living out their Animal-House-style fraternity days.

My point: Taking advantage of children or a subordinate in a difference in power situation is sick and unforgivable. At the same time, romantic/marital love doesn't really count the number of days between a couple's birthdays. If a 40 year old man (or woman) deliberately sets out looking for an eighteen year old partner (of whatever gender), that's a little creepy, but if two mature adults of different ages find themselves in love, it's a totally different thing.
Oct 19, 2020
Really good no drama whatsoever I mean I like drama a bit of fluffiness. Relationship moves fast as fuck like one chapter they meet each other the next one they moved in together.
May 15, 2020
Light story, no heavy drama, sweet, fluffy and enjoyable. Rare to see a romance manga like this nowadays (or i haven't searched hard enough). It's a perfect manga to enjoy with afternoon/evening snacks and tea.

One thing i wish that is the situation between akio and his parents were explored more and 'solved' like how the situation with kanako goes. As if the relationship between akio and his family is just there like a decoration in the living room. Ending wise, i wished that there are more to it, but it's fine as it is.

I'll give it 8/10

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