@mochi Trolling? Excuse me? No, I'm stating facts. And no, it doesn't matter much what background the cops are from, or whether they take bribes or whatever. The job allows cops to do a whole lot of things . . . to people who don't matter. It does
not allow them to take the side of proles against the middle class, or for that matter of the middle class against the rich. A cop may have individual sympathies towards the people whose background he comes from, but he will find that the system he is enmeshed in will not generally let him act on them. Black cops still end up beating up blacks more than whites. Notions about the law treating people equally are fiction. In my city there was a case a while back of a serial murderer, killed dozens of women. If they had been middle class or, horrors, wealthy women there would have been a massive manhunt after just a couple. Since instead it was mostly poor prostitutes, many of them First Nations, the cops refused for years to believe it was even happening, and once they'd been reluctantly pushed into investigating at all they used minimum resources and didn't bother co-ordinating with next door municipalities; it took years more to nail the bastard because they couldn't be bothered. The job of the police, at an informal but very real level, is to act as the sharp end of enforcement of class divisions. They police the poor with brutality, the respectable middle class with boredom, and the rich with deference. Lately in the US the stratum of people who get the brutality is drifting upwards as the whole society gets more violent and militarized, but they still kowtow to the rich. Your picture of how things work is naive.