Gal Gohan

Active member
Jan 18, 2018
You know what should happen?
Teacher succumbs to students's seduction, gets caught, gets fired, marries student, can't ever get another teaching job because of his sex crime, grows to hate student for robbing him of his life's calling and they live miserably ever after.
Manga becomes 4-korma of insult gags as he becomes an alcoholic and she becomes an obese diabetic. He attempts suicide, but gets hit by a bus as he's standing on the ledge of the bridge, and is thrown into an isekai, and is reincarnated as a student in a fantasy world who DOSEN'T choose to fuck up a teacher's life, thereby earning nirvana.
The end.
Jan 27, 2018
As much as I love the cock-teasing, Im really wondering if this will actually progress other than " oh yea, I really like you, wait for me ( insert 5 year skip and they get together w/o any really story/connection with the two characters"

If anything this seems to be a tamer To-love-RU, MC has a sexy female who dots on him in this case I get that he doesn't wanna go w the realationship "yet" but I would rather have honesty and the MC say " I get that you like me, but there could be a boy for you near your age, if you graduate high school ( or Japanese equivalent ) and you still haven't seen anyone, we could work something out"

OR you know something like that, currently its just really constant teasing and w/o really anything too deep besides fanservice of dark skin girl, she actually kinda interesting, she tries to learn and tries her best in certain situations to impress the teacher, but everything she does doesn't really get any "real" points with him. Again I understand Teacher/Student relationships are taboo, but if the whole story revolves around these two and the student wanting the love of the teacher why not simply just do that, its fictional, aint no one going to try and attempt this shit in real life.

Sorry a mini rant but I felt like I had to get it off of my chest it just seems like most Manga isn't willing to cross the line w x or relationships like harem manga where the MC again is surrounded by lovely ladies but doesn't acknowledge them or tries anything to get their heart and shit like that.
Jan 22, 2018
@tajboy123 u must be new to manga, after certain number of titles u will find urself in position "it's all the same" or "I read it already somewhere". Just enjoy it for art or "plot" or whatever u enjoy most beside actual plot
Jan 27, 2018

Because it has happened in most manga's the same things its just cliche at this point and just cock-teasing I love the art and the story could be better if they actually well tried progressing it at least. But hey that's just me
Double-page supporter
Aug 13, 2018
Up to 12 so far and enjoying it. It's as expected for Ecchi / school life - the only thing that does annoy me is the "he's so dense".. (as in, he's not registering her flirting with him) no.. he's trying his best to resist the flirtations of an girl of who he is responsible for! ( meh, i know it's the norm but, I wanted to rant about it :p )

If he gives into anything the police will be knocking at his door after all, so there can't be any progress until she's graduated at least!
Jul 26, 2018
This is just cliche after cliche with the typical dense MC in a sol school harem zzzzzzz

Literally nothing unique or memorable about this at all
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
I said it before, I'll say it again: It's cliche because it WORKS. Trying to make something too original typically tends to turn out like crap because it tries too hard. Of course if a manga was 100% cliche as well, the same crap result will turn out from one trying to remove all cliches. In Gal Gohan's case, it's a healthy compromise. The teacher is dense, sure, but he's not some idiot high-schooler either. He's a full-fledged adult and he's got his job to think about too which he takes seriously.

Even if that's not good enough for you, you also gotta remember almost every story in creation has already been done and 99.9% of every manga you read or show/movie you watch will have an abundance of cliche's because of it. Instead of trying to fight it and complain about it, it's best to find something you enjoy. Cliche's and tropes are how stories operate now. Welcome to life.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
Very unfortunate this took the harem route. My disappointment is immeasurable.

EDIT: also where did the cooking go, chapter 1-10 vs 30+ is a night and day difference. it's like a different manga
Oct 21, 2018
"Get in my pantsu Shinji"
Feb 4, 2018
I become less interested in this story with every new chapter.
The harem heavily hurt this manga, it really didn't need one, at all.

I hope we will not get another girl once class pres graduate.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@RadioForrest: It had a dark period, but
the rape flashback is over and back to present day. She's showing her resolve by calling out to him and confessed to him. I seriously believe it's going to go back to being light and fluffy. For what it's worth, even his Japanese readers were as outraged (I think moreso) than his overseas readers regarding the flashback. It was a big debacle.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@Kodoku: My cousin is what you would consider an American gyaru and if she's any reference she laughs very quickly and then goes "Lawwwwwwwwwwwl" or just the lawl. It's the era of text-speak and it makes me want to punch a kitten.
Jul 24, 2018
@TwilightFaze It either goes forward with the ashes of a fanbase, or it gets the axe. The way it went with that plot was just absurd and the fans have a right to leave.
It could've been fine if they went 100% in, instead of treating it as just an occurrence. No police investigation, nothing really psychological, nothing of worth from bringing that plot-line in other than look how cool our MC is

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