Right? It's a nice change of pace to have the background characters behave like actual people for once. Typically any guy in these types of manga that isn't the MC or MC friend is a pickup douche.I dig the guy in line behind him. “Nah you’re good bro I know the feeling” and his hat says Great Detective.
I'm holding out hope that her reaction doesn't herald a coming harem but is more a sign of his growing popularityThis manga doesn't have the best story, but we read it because of the popular x otaku relationship. If it turns into a silly harem, there's no reason to read it. If another girl appears, I'll give up. He has a sister, so there's a good chance she'll be a bricon and I'll give up.
I don't imagine actual Japanese people are as uptight about indirect kisses as manga characters, but Japanese people are much more conscious of physical contact and tend to have a greater sense of personal space than people from other culturesWhy is this "indirect kiss" shit so common in romantic manga/anime? Holy fuck it's so cringe.
They were both blushing like they both just stripped butt-ass naked, holy fucking shit. If this manga has a kiss-fakeout somewhere later on I am dropping this harder than Ubisoft's stock price.