Gal Yome no Himitsu - Ch. 8

Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
Thanks for the chapter!
??? This man full-body blushes when his WIFE even looks at him! The wind blowing past his ears will give him red ears! Looking at a particularly juicy pear in the fridge may make this man crumble! He's so green he's basically the spirit animal of this music video. Nothing won't make him blush.

Anyway, 99% of people don't visibly blush within 5 seconds of something happening in real life to begin with, we can call blushing an anime trope to convey a surprised emotional reaction after a realisation.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2018
Thanks for the chapter!

??? This man full-body blushes when his WIFE even looks at him! The wind blowing past his ears will give him red ears! Looking at a particularly juicy pear in the fridge may make this man crumble! He's so green he's basically the spirit animal of this music video. Nothing won't make him blush.

Anyway, 99% of people don't visibly blush within 5 seconds of something happening in real life to begin with, we can call blushing an anime trope to convey a surprised emotional reaction after a realisation.
I was talking about the girl
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I hoping that she'll just be a great friend who supports the 2 main characters relationship, and even helps cover for them at work.
I got a feeling Akine will be using Fuyuki and Hara as inspiration in her next game. She seems to think Hara is interesting.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2023
Editors really need to rein in authors when they start adding love rivals in a story that doesn't need any. Well, I guess it hasn't happened yet but this chapter came close to falling in that overused trope.
Bold of you to assume it isn't the editor forcing it
Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2023
Fuck that boss guy, he's a clear example of why most games suck. Talking about what the players want, when I bet he never touched a game before. Why would you pay a good writer and then shit on her work because "it's too complex for a game, also I want to save money"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2024
I'm hoping this is more about the sweet moments of the main couple, the drama of growing as a couple and keeping their secret at work. I find it funny about the awkward moments that they have as a married couple of less than two years.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
Editors really need to rein in authors when they start adding love rivals in a story that doesn't need any. Well, I guess it hasn't happened yet but this chapter came close to falling in that overused trope.

Too late. Pay no attention to the people in this thread pretending that *grope* SFX with the shorthair's zoom-layered breasts didn't happen. Then came his unrestricted compliments, which she absolutely loved, on the heels of his quite literally saving her from herself--and all this is after her clearly showing signs of involving herself in MC's and Fuyuki's relationship from the moment of her first appearance.

Way too late.

An old man once told me a joke:
Women won't sleep with men who live with their mom, but would sleep with men who live with their wife!

"Many a true word is said in jest." This is a fiendishly sharp joke--too bad the second half of it's politically incorrect these days, and so people have been trained not to be aware of the age-old maxim beneath it.

Some of the best jokes are based on reality presented wittily--which is why comedy's all but dead these days.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 29, 2024
An old man once told me a joke:
Women won't sleep with men who live with their mom, but would sleep with men who live with their wife!
Well yeah, the mom can't sleep with her son that's incest, but the wife can sleep with her husband because they are married. I don't get the joke, seems perfectly logical to me.

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