Gantz - Vol. 37 Ch. 383 - Endpoint

Apr 25, 2020

The concept of this manga is good at the start. There's a character development for the MC from useless horny boy to a badass leader. But honestly, reading this is such a roller coaster.
I don't know the author tried to make a lot of twist or just inconsistency , some of it was good but the others producing a lot of plotholes and unexplained parts.
Likes when suddenly there's a group of vampires out of nowhere acting like they're the main threat and Kurono's brother was a part of it then he died but the story just pretend it didn't happen at all.
The ending is bad, feels so flat and nothing special about it. There's no conclusion about the other cast like the reporter, Kaze who was transfered, the child who was sleeping in the bench, and the rest of gantz who was in spaceship. I personally feels better if they just died in space and society treat them as heroes and the surviving members / Tae starts their new life
May 21, 2019
Just binged it in a couple of days... and yeah that last part was just stupid. The series managed to avoid cliches up until it literally became just that; Kei refusing to destroy the tower, pointless final boss that had no foreshadowing whatsoever, etc. I mean what was the point of the vampires? I really like samurai host but they weren't even explained... I guess they were just another alien refugee. Plus how the hell did the Americans conquer the colony? I bet the author wrote himself into a hole and couldn't come up with a good way to beat them since they're shown to be too OP. Whatever at least it was a fun ride. Also, rip Reika ;_;
Jun 22, 2020
Finish this shit 5:57pm,January 3rd it was a fun manga ok cya also only took me 2 days
Aug 7, 2020
I have mixed feelings towards this manga. I don't know whether to love or hate it. The beginning and middle were awesome and shown great promise for the rest of the story. Then the quality of the story just falls off and eventually stagnates. Plot points are brought up, such as the vampires, and then are quickly forgetten about & never touched upon again. Glaring plotholes, meandering story telling, and tiring tropes all subtract from what would have been a great story. I don't feel like I wasted my time reading this piece but it hurts seeing so much go wrong. The ending feels very rushed and fails to give the series an proper send off. So much is left unanswered and the manga would very much benefitted from a epilogue chapter or two. Overall, this has been a entertaining, wild ride reading this for the past 5 months and I respect Hiroya Oku for creating and seeing this piece to the end.

Finished on 2:08am, Feb. 3th, 2021.
The power of UwU nullifys the laws of physics and contorts reality to the benefit of the Kei.
Mar 9, 2018
This last arc reads better than I remember. It was a slog back when we were waiting for each chapter to come out.
Feb 26, 2019
finished the 24/02/2021 at 00h00
was good and all, sadly, last arc was a bit under the rest, still a nice reading
Apr 10, 2020
The shittiest ending chapter i've read in years, if not all my life. I could justify with the athmospheric fall but this is a midway between earth and the moon, not to mention that the world was supposed to end with the self destruct debris falling into the earth?

With that said, the concept is great. A type III civilization gets triggered so hard that type II upstarts dared attack their planet they uplifted literal primitives so they could shit on their cake. All the aliens have excellent ideas behind them and so does the tech.

I believe the series should have ended with the ayylmao high command dude surrendering and fucking off, the whole second in command losing it and going rogue was just unnecessary, specially after the very thematic fight with Nishi and the sacrifice of the hot giant girl. I also disagree with the type III alien / god being so contradictive. So they don't care about humans but uplifted them to preserve "order", but also they don't care about earth? It isn't hard to figure out the petty motivation to shit on the migrants but the whole exchange sounds more like the alien god got upset and started blurting out random shit to hurt feelings. "How dare these unidimensional being equate themselves to me, i bet they only have 5 senses"

Ultimately Gantz suffered from a very common problem among mangaka who make a hit comic: They try to milk it well beyond their ability to care or make it worth it. Still, it's probably one the two great japanese sci fi epics of the modern day, together with I Am a Hero. Shame about the ending.
Active member
Dec 2, 2018
Too much stuff was left in the air, what about the vampires? Kei's brother? the whole fucking deal about not destroying them? The whole character arch around Furata? The whole fucking 1v1 was about the ship not crashing into Earth, then it did anyway and nothing happened. Atleast Reika and Kei remastered get to be together, in a weird way, plus it served as a "each version even the Gantz copies had souls" so it makes all the other deaths less harsh.

Too many fucking questions unanswered. I hope the whole point was for the Author to play the part of "god" or what ever that was and we were the ones left wondering, if so; good job. Fuck off.

Over all i enjoyed it tho, bit of a huge dissapointment on the end.

I give it a "It's about the journey, not the destination" out of "Good ending (as in the ending was done well)"


and since i saw others doing this: 5th of March of 2021 at 12:04 a.m COT
May 23, 2019
Many people have said it, but idc

The journey of Gantz was amazing, had me super hyped through all the arcs, until this final one...

So many things fall apart in this arc like Tae-chan's huge and at some poiny funny plot armor, unclear finals to some characters like nishi or the vampires, stupid plot conveniences that don't make any sense, THE CG FOR ALMOST EVERYTHING TOWARDS THE END DAMNN I HATED IT, its like the mangaka's art got better every chapter but it was pulled back by the horrible cg most of the time. (But only in this arc, it was good and NOT OVER USED in the Osaka arc).

Overall I think it is a great manga which I really enjoyed, had great characters which I loved in one or another way each and everyone of them (except kei tits, honestly fck her).

Would totally recommend Gantz, maybe not this final arc but hey it made me laugh many times so maybe as a comedy arc it could work.

I give it 8/10 because if even this last arc was kinda BAD, it had it good things, and the complete journey up until this arc was completely amazing.

Read it in like 2 weeks. Finished it 3/12/21, at 5:16 AM.
Oct 13, 2020
Disappointing, great ideas, but the execution was horrible.

With the Gantz technology they could just revive ANYBODY, but conveniently it doesn't work like that anymore. Why? Because the mangaka said so, plausible.

If an author creates rules within his world, he also has to play by them and not ignore them, when it suits him. You can't make up a rulebook and than disregard it the second you don't like it anymore. You should have put more thought into it in the first place then or at least try to fix it afterwards.

This is why mangas in Japan have editors, those are the guys who have to step in and tell the mangaka that this isn't working, at all, and they have to redo or overthink the way the story is suppose to unfold, otherwise it will be a trainwreck, which it has become. Apparently Oku Hiroya's editor was afk for the last years while publishing it. It seems like Oku Hiroya didn't had any real idea where he was going with this manga and wrote it just the way it came to him, thus you have bullshit like vampires or some blonde giant, who kills off his entire species, just because Kuruno killed his brother, absolutely reasonable.

If this entire alien species, those Giant Aliens, were really desperate to migrate to another planet, why the fuck didn't they try to communicate with humanity first? That Fraa Alienwoman was able to use a Google Translator within minutes and realized after barely one hour that their species aren't that much different. What was there to gain by fighting, killing and eating them in the first place? and in the end they are all dead, because of some stupid honour.

Yes, we humans have done similiar shit in the past (and in some parts of the world we are still doing them), but not even we are that stupid to kill our entire species for the sake of honour or whatever. Our own survival is more important than anything else and that was my impression of those aliens as well, but in the end they still suicided and killed themselves anyway (and probably a lot more like other animals and so on on the ship). It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Really disappointing how logic is ditched for some weird cool-looking edgy gore pictures. It's like a 15yo wrote a story without giving any thought about how it makes sense in any way.

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