page 7 : how to fight trained , muscular , roman soldiers who have long-ranged arrows , and swords , and spears :
running straight toward them ,
protecting yourselves with a cheap umbrella ,
blinding them with a cheap , weak camera flash , during high noon . Tien Shinhan : " eat my Solar Flare / Taiyōken " .
using a pepper spray that has 1-meter range .
yeah right , this is so believe-able .
the result :
- romans : thousands of deaths , just because the japanese-s want to rescue 1 single hostage . is he worth all the risks and all the deaths ? is he the reborn jesus or something ?
- japanese-s : zero death . only some soldiers 's skins was scratched a little .
- bunny girl : yo , because you are the "main character" of this manga , so i am a member of your harem , automatically . you can touch my a$$ .
- smart readers : where the hell does this come from ? did they even talk to each other in the previous chapters ? this is the wish-fullfillment fantasy of the virgin otaku author ?