6. If a user does not post in this thread within 24 hours of the initial post or their last post, they will be disqualified.
That is a nice thought,
but a threat to me is here.
He looks just like me
Not gonna lie, I was hoping for someone to be disqualified to make my job easier (Less people, less variables and possibilities to take into account)with each user just waiting for other users to be disqualified from lack of posting
Everyone will be waiting for the point that their number of slaps = everyone else's collective number of lives, in order to STFO of everyone and win the game. If everyone actually went along with a peace agreement, rosaa would be the first one with an opportunity to slap everyone out. And everyone else would realize that, leading them to be wary of rosaa, and some people would seek to take him out. This is our nature as humans. Idealistic concepts like peace only work when that peace is enforced through violence and/or threats of violence. We will always think "what if my neighbor were to attempt to steal from me or harm me?" and take necessary precautions.Now's the time for peace.