Oh, okay; let's pretend this isn't fucking ridiculously fucking stupid stupidity.
How about this: you want to tell me, and now you've decided that I, as a child, finally deserve to know about Santa not being real the stupid shit you did 35 years ago.
But, since I am not a child, and have sent people to their deaths, and killed people in My Own Name As Fucking King, i have decided that there is literally nothing important that you could have told me before now.
If there had been anything worth my time for you to tell me, it would certainly have prevented important and/or innocent people from dying, or changed my being King. Otherwise, I wouldn't actually BE the king, right?
So, just in case you, the former king, were actually so fucking idiotically fucking stupid as to hold back important information, I'm going to torture the living FUCK out of you.
Because if you are holding back any information at this point? You are not, and have never been, my ally in any fucking way.
And, since we love quoting Machiavelli all the fucking time, I will give you this one:
"Never do an enemy a small injury."