"Nature is not so weak that needs protection" Dude, thats kinda ironic coming from a modern person considering how huge are today's issues with pollution and natural resources explotation with no control xD
It doesn't need protection if humans (or humanoids in fantasy worlds) aren't messing with it too much. The dark elves were "protecting" primeval forest. There's nothing to protect there. You can try to protect a forest that's too heavily exploited or under the threat of such actions. But if there's nobody doing anything much in the forest, aside from picking some berries and mushroom, the forest will take care of itself. That landslide was also a part of nature. In fact the forest might one day catch fire and burn, to renew itself. Thinning the forest and all that, is 100% making it more comfortable for the elves. But like I said, a disaster might also "thin" it at some point. Perhaps there were, in the past, some giant herbivores thinning the forest naturally, but the dark elves ate all of them. Who knows.