Genkai Level 1 kara no Nariagari ~Saijaku Level no Ore ga Isekai Saikyou ni Naru made

Jun 8, 2019
Let me guess, MC was betrayed for the lulz, gets/starts with OP powers relative to everyone else, quickly obtains a 10/10 love interest which expands into a harem, all the girls remain madly in love with the MC forever even though he shows zero interest in them, all the villains are specifically written to be edgy so that the MC has an excuse to get revenge in an edgy manner and every arc is the MC getting edgier as more and more girls throw themselves at him.

How close am I?
Double-page supporter
Mar 24, 2019
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact… same fucking thing… over and over again, expecting… shit to change.
Double-page supporter
Mar 17, 2019
It's not in itself too bad, it's just intensely generic. The MC has just 2 expressions: abject panic and nervously confused, even when he's supposed to be angry. If this had come out 10 years ago, before the isekai boom, it would have been somewhat palatable but these days it's decidedly subpar.
Double-page supporter
Mar 19, 2020
I don't want more of these, I just want those that I am already reading to move the stories along in a less boring manner. Or just move forward at all in some cases.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 6, 2019
I swear the cover of this looks suspiciously similar to another manga with level in the title, I guess the Isekai genre is finally running out of design space to explore
Sep 22, 2018
Bland, unoriginal, and uninspired. If it was possible to give it a zero I would.
I cannot see this series becoming good, dont even waste your time on it.
Mar 10, 2018
Clichè but i give it more chapters, too early to judge where the story is heading. Elf and cat girl aren't bad. <3
Aggregator gang
Jun 4, 2018
nope. automatic 1 star. i hope people catch on to generic stuff like this and stop enabling those writers to keep on shitting more of this kind of crap out. a clown can't do it's job if no one laughs at it. i have nothing against this genre but when the damn plot starts off so similar and the mc gets super op from the "mistake" it leaves little to be desired. also this salty theme that's been happening is a bit overused as well. i have nothing to look forward to when the character will get so strong from the beginning. thats why i call these types of generic isekai titles "a walk in the park isekai" because thats what the mc is basically doing with his/her companion-walking in the park..

thirsty? here have some bottle of water that i stored in my 121241th dimension storage box.
need some food? don't worry even though in this world it's super rare to get only 2 elemental attributes I GOT ALL 7!! I have the power to heat the stove to cook! faiya!!
oh poor companions you guys are weak? it's okay! i'll powerlevel you!
intimacy? sorry i'm a virgin-like the writer-I'm a bit shy around women because i've never even touched their hands-but somehow I'm super popular.
are!? are are are?! there's trouble over yonder~ i just spray some firebolts and wipe out all those monsters...

seriously guys..what the hell are you reading? LOL
Aggregator gang
Jun 4, 2018
@HonkDad Glad to know that there are other people who feel the same way about these generic isekai. I'd suggestion that they have the opposite scoring system that goes into the negative. For instance after appalling it goes into negative such as: Masterpiece Trash, Great trash, Very Good Trash, Good Garbage, Fine Garbage, Average Garbage, Bad Waste, Very Bad Waste, Horrible Waste, Stop Writing, onegai!
Feb 5, 2020
This is why America needs to get in on the light novel industry. We need to show those stupid Japanese virgin authors that us Americans can write stories better than Japan.
Oct 24, 2018
I want one of these stories where the protagonist just goes full on villain instead of anti-hero. That'd be nice.
May 14, 2018
I want to know how many chapters until the MC decides to lust for a bathtub or... heaven forbid.. rice.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
Art on the cover looked really nice, but as others said, it's too bland.

Also if you want a similar concept of power, check berserk of gluttony. Not exceptional, but way better.
Jan 20, 2020
Welp, just another manga with an interesting idea that just decides to completely destroy said idea. Was hoping that maybe the protagonist would have to use his wits to kill things since he cant even kill a single goblin. Slowly figuring out ways to kill things and using his ability to slowly gain power, but instead its just another generic power fantasy with no substance.
Double-page supporter
Oct 1, 2018
I've read the web novel and I would say its pretty boring tbh....
MC characteristic is just plain dude. MC acts like one of those virgin beta cuck mass produce MC. His actions are plain, his power is OP so it outshine him. Always get this "Meh" vibe when I'm reading this series.
His stat are high but act like a noob during the fight so it irritates the hell out of me. There is a character that I like in this series though. No... it's not the heroines or MC lol. It's an antagonist character.
To be accurate, it's more like a hidden last boss character. His name is King of Abyss. A creature that lives in a another dimension, unable to interact with the isekai world. But at one point he found out that there are times when a person with irregular power able to enters the dimension when they are on a pinch/dying situation wanting for more power to overcome the situation. King of Abyss gave them power and engrave their body with a tattoo on their body and he is able to interact with the world by using them as a medium bypass. The user that was engraved by the tattoo are fated to fall into a pinch/dying situation, ended up repeating the cycle and by the end giving up the control of their body to the King of Abyss. His plan was to take over the isekai world. MC already fall into this state once when he was fighting one of the weakest summoned hero who tried to invade the Elf kingdom and had to give up the control of his body to gain power to kill the hero. King of Abyss kills the hero instantly with an elbow to the body, incapacitating him to the ground and went straight to the head crushing it with a stomp. Later at the end of the battle, the heroine able to regain the control of his body by using an item that was provided by the Elf Queen. They are currently trying to find a way on how to break this curse.
It is one of those "Meh" series that get popular for no reason.

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