@thtgiang why use soggy healer to fight the cold when you use chilly healer? Qiqi superior. <insert various memes about bad screen cold, and get into the good screen cold, etc>
My Barbara has only eaten twice since I got her. I have three frickin healers in my party. My Razor died because of doritos in dragonspine. Barabara can never die no matter how hungry she is, she can always heal herself
@flannan that's why I use qiqi; to heal by beating people down, with more than enough healing to not care about anything. Back when I raised my noelle, I don't think I had her healing unlocked; shes basically a shield generator for by B team, since she only had slightly better damage than my traveler but slower attack speed (my whole B team still has artifacts from around when I started, back when they were the primary team; still haven't perfected my A teams artifacts yet, so no love for B yet)