Getsuyoubi no Tawawa (Twitter Webcomic) - Vol. 10 Ch. 36 - Part X: Monday Morning Offerings (255-306)

Aggregator gang
Apr 17, 2019
Ehehe i see he finally bought that new television lol it was time
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
so new characters are live-in step sister and trap little brother, and I think policewoman?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 14, 2019
Tawawa Policewomen: Exist
Bulletproof Vest: I can't hold her Boob any longer
Jul 11, 2020
I apologize to he who sees this, but this helps me think and possibly be more social.

P5: This kind of blatant lewdery is unacceptable. Take her to horny jail, boys.

P6: You know when you take a pic like that, misunderstandings are perfectly reasonable.

P7: Sometimes it feels like she wants him to go to jail.

P8: When your girl steals your games.

........ TMW you realize you'll never have a girlfriend to steal your games..

P9: Oh just say y'all are handholding already.

P10: For real, this Saki wannabe is on a whole other level than all the other girls.

P11: I refuse, this is manga, so it can do it, therefore this is his real little sister, we do not condone cowardice in this house.

P12: This is what I love about this manga. It's so lewd without being lewd.

P13: Japan truly is a blessing on this world..

P14: This girl's blatantly shipping them.

P15: You're killing me here..

P16: I wish it worked like that, I-chan..

P17: Can you network every single character more. Also Imouto-chan is not happy.

P17+57: Wait, I thought that was his place and she was barging- I mean visiting his kitty, as usual.

P18: WAT

P19: 'tis the face of victory.


P21: This is a wicked marketing scheme

P22: They're gonna start up another fight to get hit by her again, aren't they

P23: Dis imotou's alpha as fudge

P24: Let this trope never die

P25: I-chan, your I-chan is showing

P25+57: TMW you can't find a girl to pose for your unlewd lewd manga.

P26: This is the worst/best roast to oppai I'd ever seen X'D

P26+57: Well I agree with Himura, this is my favorite one too.

P27: Welp. Guess it was about time he put in a trap.

P28: oh no, he's being corrupted

P29: You are also adorable, my god

P30: An impenetrable defense

P31: Wait, which one's player 2

P32: "I can't believe I have feet"

P32+57: It's a staple for oppai, I'm sure everyone would have, especially with how obvious it was in the picture.

P33: I love girls

P34: You're laughing. My mans is ruined, and you're all laughing.

P35: Kouhai-chan, this is an intervention.

P36: I wonder how many times he'd seen this.

P37: Reject horror flick, become VTuber.... kinda.

P37+57: I don't know either TRICK or Ringu.

P38: It seems we meet again, wet t-shirt...

P39: You know, this is becoming a dream fantasy of mine.

P40: TMW you bite off more than you can chew.

P40+57: So I thought that was hentai, and now I am mildly traumatized.

P41: Pics taken before snuggling.

P42: Well there was snuggling, but on the wrong end.

P43: Well ya know what, guess I was still right.


P45: Athlete-chan's dreams finally come true.

P46: Miko-chan enters the battle.

P47: This is one of my least favorite tropes, where the guy's getting scolded in that position when he barely did anything wrong.

P48: Oh great, now he doesn't get to snuggle Sada-chan.

.... Then again, maybe he does.

P49: I don't know what that means, but I'm happy regardless.

P50: I-chan please, be mindful of your I-chan. Also the Fourth Wall is shaking.

P50+58: I hate and love the fact he's right.

P51: For a second I thought that was I-chan's mom and that we finally got to see her dad.

P52: Pics taken before death.

P53: On that day, the cashier thought "Maybe this job isn't so bad after all".


P55: You better pray to any god out there that she aced you this exam. Also it was inevitable for him to ask, with all that teasing.

P56: That's girl speak for "Ok".


P59: Oh, she's.. got a Twitter for that. Well, now I'm disappointed.

P66: THAT IS THE LEWDEST THIS MANGA'S EVER BEEN, and strangely unsurprising.

P68: That is some unorthodox revenge, but I'm all for it.

P72: Well, there's something to say about a woman scorned..

P73: Ah, the power of money.

Your agony ends here.
Apr 21, 2020
it really is nice seeing other character story. but damn every character in tawawa universe is really interesting really exited what going on next.

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