GIGANT - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Friends

Aggregator gang
Apr 13, 2018
Plays some crappy FPS on a console instead of PC, expects his GF to bring him some mango from the conbini instead of just picking it up himself. Worst of all, physically assaults her (although I enjoyed the scene when she fought back, was cheering her on), and then to top it off, shows the guy at a pachinko parlor sucking on a nasty cancer stick.

Only way to make it worse would to show him physically abusing the dog, or do a reveal where he's actually in the yakuza or some shit, and roughs people up while doing debt collections. Like damn, lol. Author-san is doing the best he can do demonize the boyfriend and make him a super unsympathetic character in the shortest amount of time. ?

The author's shameless self-promotion of his other works via the twitter convos gave me a chuckle.

The last page made me think of Mark and Coyote Peterson. Not sure how many will understand the reference.
Double-page supporter
Nov 2, 2018
So is that homeless guy sleeping on the sidewalk ? man, they think they can sleep anywhere they please.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I was wondering why she seemed so easy to get her contact information over just removing the flyers, but it occurred to me that that's probably the kindest thing anyone has done for her considering her boyfriend.

She wants a friend more than a companion and Rei seems to be filling that niche. She was so willing to treat him kindly by giving him dinner and exchanging contact information/following him because she wants someone who is also nice to her.
Double-page supporter
Sep 20, 2018
Mannn what a shitty boyfriend she has... insecure insecure fuck you! secure your dick asshole! there's bad and good things when you date someone if you can't accept the bad things then just leave, don't resort to assault (phisical or mentally).
Apr 11, 2019
the abusive boyfriend looks like Katou
also I loled at that shameless shilling of his own manga

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