page 2 : "volume 5 has super response" , lol , what a lying caption , because this manga is so boring and it actually has a very low sale .
page 5 :
- she has got to know how to moderate herself , being an adult . her morals are questionable .
- this guy 's comment is so funny , because she is a p0rn actress = as long as she gets paid , she will have $ex with any men , no matter how old , how young , how ugly , how fat , how stinky they are .
and in japan , $cat and bea$tiality p0rns are legal , so maybe she even has $ex with animals , and now the masses start losing their sh!ts because she only has $ex with a kid ?
also , if you are a parent , will you let your young sons and daughters worship a p0rn actress as a hero ?
"mama , papa , she is my hero , so when im older , i want to be a p0rn actress just like her ."
and in previous chapters , she was convicted of terrorism and treason against the nation , but she escaped the death sentence just fine , so now having $ex with a kid is no big deal for her , lol .