@jonsmith I'm talking about how this chapter, he was revealed as a 'hot perfect dude that was just narcissistic'. His idiocy comes from his narcissism and this chapter went on to prove he's 'hot', 'athletic' and 'intelligent'.
This was literally an eye opener since he can't be just an idiot when he easily got high grades. They revealed him as a hot guy who's just narcissistic, and this chapter pandered to that 'average guy beats hot guy scenario' where hot girls prefer the average guy than the hot guy'.
The other girls who weren't part of Sora's potential harem were already falling for the narcissist until he came back to being a moron on the end.
And he didn't show a good side. His painting was worse than the other guy. The reason he won was because the heroine made it look like his was so deep unlike the narcissist.
In the end, he was still just 'the average guy'.
The point is, the girl could've just rejected him and if he kept forcing himself he'll just be labeled as a creep or a stalker and can even be made as a criminal realistically speaking.
Anime logic though tells us that they have to listen to the loser or winner even though the heroine could just politely tell him or even just lash out entirely to 'fuck off'.
It's like that scene in addicted to curry where the restaurant or something was burnt down by enemies but instead of just threatening them to pay for compensation or calling the police they asked them to have a cooking battle.
I know they're very different scenarios but I hate how anime characters always just accept these scenarios. If he kept bugging her, he's a creep, a stalker then.
Sora hating to stand out, is like the typical average harem main character schtick.
'I don't want to stand out', 'I want to live my life normally', 'I want to be like every average student'.
Not to say, I'm complaining, I'd prefer that rather than a flashy show-offy main character, but in the end, he did give it his all, but he still obviously lost and only won because the heroine said he won.
He has no points in him he excels at and was beaten in everything by the dude.
It literally is just made to pander to average guys feeling like they could be better than hot intelligent athletic guys.