Girlfriend, Girlfriend

Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
A story about a guy two-timing. Its strongest moments are with whacky stories and arcs, its weakest are with drama and conflict.

The story begins stupid, MC has a girlfriend yet asks to two-time. The premise of harem is silly, really being able to love two or more women simultaneously seems far-fetched. That's not to say I don't like harem (I really do), but I personally don't like to confront this hard truth about harem and have yet to see a single manga which gave me a satisfying answer to this. The comedy here more than makes up for this shortcoming. We see a fair bit of fanservice too, always a treat in harem.

The story does the best in the middle chapters when the characters motivations are explored more, making them actual humans rather than Pixie Girls or satellites around the MC.

The ending is a disappointment. Fifteen chapters of drama without any breathing room until the very end, by which point there's a lack of fanservice to compensate for the drama. The ending also faces the problem's with harem as a genre, but I take away that the girls in MC's harem are ultimately uncomfortable with the whole arrangement and need to hide this discomfort under a veneer or group happiness. This irked me, as I saw multiple characters who I came to respect as free agents be subsumed by the wishes of the mangaka.

A fine manga that did strongest with fanservice and character development, but struggled with its ending.

Dec 29, 2023
The reason we like harem endings is because stories usually build up our like ratio for a character. Being sweet, nice, caring and cute throughout a story builds up our desire to see that character happy.

We don't wanna see the characters we like cry and have their hearts broken.

This is why in certain manga where it's obvious the MC will just pick the main girl or already picked one girl,

(Komi-san, Senryuu Shoujo, Seishun Buta, Monogatari series, Nisekoi, Gotoubun Hanayome, Saenai Heroine)

we hated how they added likeable girls that were made to just have their hearts broken in the end.

Sometimes we just want a sweet, nice romance manga, but it usually is broken by how the author wants to add in another girl that is just made as a supporting character for the main character's romance.

Harems are fine for me, as long as no hearts get broken in the end.
To some extent that makes sense. Tbh, idrc about the harem tag, it makes no difference to my enjoyment of the story.
Jan 5, 2020
I came here to ask if I would be disappointed by this manga after having read The 100 girlfriends who really really really really really love you? Any insight?
Dec 16, 2018
I came here to ask if I would be disappointed by this manga after having read The 100 girlfriends who really really really really really love you? Any insight?
I haven't read that one, so I can't compare them, but I somehow doubt they'd be very similar. This manga's about a guy that falls in love with two girls and can't give either of them up. The MC never lies and always says what he's thinking, which adds to the humor but also means they try to work out their problems by talking (which is a nice change from normal manga where no one has communication skills).

I didn't care much for one of the characters (Marika) and the ending seemed a bit abrupt. I think they should have spent a little more time addressing the sexual ramifications of their arrangement - lots of good opportunity for humor there. Overall though, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

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