Well, as SOP and AR-15 is VIP, sending many troops is reasonable. They also talk about how even with many troops, the number of enemies is above imagination.
However, to think that we send so many troops that we have no one left to defend the base is very questionable. And the base guards were able to hold back the offense is also questionable.
As M4 and SOP is very important, I thought the attack on the base would be much more fearful. SOP also said in the last chapter that the ringleader in that area was already on move. Like, if the offense doesn't guarantee you get something back, then what is the plan?
If anything, I think during the offense happens, Jaeger was out for AR-15, so she didn't appear in the offense.
Although if you know 2 big fishes were going to the same place, I think it would be more reasonable to go for them. If AR-15 know that Jaeger has 2 of her sisters, I think it's a guarantee she would come for them.