So much whitespace, you might as well put the panels on flash cards and cycle through that.
Art is very nice, but if not for the need to scroll/PgDn every panel, I'd appreciate it more
oh my goodness, the art, the sensuality, somehow the absence of any dialogue in the intimate scenes makes your heart race. this is incredibly good, thanks for TL!
Dear TL, ty so much for translating this. (Having this translation quality is in itself a blessing, let alone this beautiful sensual story)
+The amount of whitespace (for the ppl complaining here) contributes to that calm slow pace of action that gives u enough silence to hear ur heartbeat and embrace it as the scene slowly unfolds and the characters lose touch with their surrounding as they become less focused on the noise of the world and more on the evolving feelings and thoughts. (Note: Closely packed panels r unconsiously viewed as fast paced.) The generous amount of whitespace also enables the viewers to appreciate the subtle nuances of the scene.
Dear TL, ty so much for translating this. (Having this translation quality is in itself a blessing, let alone this beautiful sensual story)
+The amount of whitespace (for the ppl complaining here) contributes to that calm slow pace of action that gives u enough silence to hear ur heartbeat and embrace it as the scene slowly unfolds and the characters lose touch with their surrounding as they become less focused on the noise of the world and more on the evolving feelings and thoughts. (Note: Closely packed panels r unconsiously viewed as fast paced.) The generous amount of whitespace also enables the viewers to appreciate the subtle nuances of the scene.
Its interesting because in print comics there usually isn't a lot of white space. You might use a couple beat panels instead.
This comic is 90% characters looking in different directions and such which is the usual thing you'd put in a beat panel.
Tbh I don't think there's much more white space in this than in other long strip comics, the panels are arranged differently than your typical webtoon though those also will use extra white space for beats. And there's a lot more closeups rather than full body shots. With the lack of bubbles outside panels and gradients It kinda gives the feeling of a strip of film