Even the cover is in 4-koma style .
In the last panel of Magic Defence 1 , her face looks like she is peeing , lol .
"My mouth has enough suction to drain the entire world" , this sounds like something a prostitute would say to advertise herself , lol . And the Demon Lord is avoiding the question that she asked "Can you bite the cookie?"
In the Dungeons & Dragons game, the mimic is portrayed as being able to
change its shape to disguise its body as an inanimate object, commonly a
treasure chest . Wasabi-chan sure loves to "troll" the adventurers , or in this case , loves to "goblin" the adventurers , lol .
Goblins are forest and mountain monsters , so of course they cant swim . BTW , 1 of the most stupid things that I ever heard is : some LV 200 goblins are dead by drowning in a bathtub , in the crappy manga "retard:monster" .