Good chapter, Granite's face-of-ultimate-resignation when her big attack got snuffed like nothing was very amusing even if the situation was bad. And Mimit's mind can't help going immediately to lewd haha. Clearly they've got at least a little bit of sneakiness going on, some sort of magic trick to fool her. Also nice how even to the end the story is still managing to mix bits of seriousness and comedy together in a self-consistent way. Marom is a real Hidden Boss, everything over the limit, yet apparently also purposefully gave them a chance. And that in turn would be explained if her (brother?) the Demon Lord at one point told her he wanted to get finished, and she couldn't bear the thought of that, and yet at the same time can accept the request having heard it before. Dark and light together I think has been part of the curious charm of this story.
Here's to the big finale.