Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? - Vol. 8 Ch. 13 - The World has Become a Cafè

Group Leader
Feb 17, 2018
Chapter Fanart:
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 3, 2020
lovely chapter as always.

really looking forward to new vol and new season


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
So this is the end of the trip, glad to see Rose and Aoyama managed to appear in the last moment.

I thought the chapter fanart would be the chimames in their uniform.
Group Leader
Feb 17, 2018
@KZO I would chosen that, if there were any fanart of Chimame in these uniforms ^^" If it's any consolation, I have drawn Chino's.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
What a lovely ending for a lovely volume. Might my my favourite from the series <3

Good to see you guys adopted a new credit page format, it's cute and works a lot better ChinoRize is fucking cursed tho wtf

Thanks for you work as always everyone <3
Aug 29, 2020
Love to see how syaro acts around syaro-mama, it just make me wanna cuddle her~ so cute

Also thanks for all the hard work! Love the new release pace, tho the tls feel a bit rushed compared to the mag raws... will you guys release edited versions? No skin off the back tho, I'm happy just to see someone tl Gochiusa (why aren't there any official ones tho) keep it up!!
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
@MahooSyoojoo14 they're not rushed I'm just garbage. Lucky for you I'm not translating anymore, but also saying "it feels rushed" isn't helpful. I'm sure deyui and crew would be happy to revisit dialog if you gave concrete examples.
Aug 29, 2020

Are you the translator? Thanks for putting out all these chapters! I think it's not really translator problem here, but issue in second pass reading/editing. That is why it feels rushed to me, because it is mostly minor details that are missed out.

Like in this chapter,
there is some punctuation issues.
Page 2. Panel 1. Bubble 2.
...... 思ったんだけど is original.
I was just thinking. is translation.
But the opening "......" is not translated into filler or copied over, so the feeling is more sudden.

But then there is 2.7.1.
この剣のレプリカ... いい... is original
This replica sword... is nice... is translation.
But the "..." is natural in Japanese because we are used to breaking sentences up and giving the fragments, but in English maybe not so much. I think this is just overlooked tho.

Then there is some perspective issue,
5.3.3. is Syaro-mama speaking, not a stray tsukkomi, so it is actually part of same line as 5.4.1. It is very common error when translator or editor do not say out all the lines in chapter as if they are actors in it.

And lastly there is idiom error in 9.6.2. 時間の流れ is means "passing of time" so she is saying that the hotel has changed over time.

I think this is no more that I can catch from this chapter. In previous chapters, it is more of every line is correct on its own but when they are put together it does not seem as wakuwaku as it is supposed to; this issue is usually for editor to solve I think, but it needs much time. Or it is because the line is taken only at face value and not for how it is used in conversation like in chapter 7, 1.4.2. because 開き直る is used in response to the obasan's condescending attitude although this is all management's fault in the first place, so even though dictionary may say "give an about-face / become serious", there is negative connotation of being two-faced that we can find by looking in Shonagon corpus or in example sentence. So actually she is saying something like, "Why are you all making it sound like it's my fault?"

Don't be too harsh on yourself I think you have done a great job and make all the people in the manga feel alive :) All this is just minor issue that can easy to be spotted by saying out all the lines in Japanese then in English to compare the mood (my english prof last time always like to say it is not about how good you are in the source language or how word-for-word you are because English dictionary cannot tell me the mood of the word and how real English people uses it, it is about how much you can give people the same experience as the original when they read your translation) or by more thorough checking. Please keep up the good work and don't lose confidence! Translation is difficult and is easy to make mistake when tired, that's why we have friends to help us, because no one is good at everything and no one knows every English and Japanese idiom
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
Thanks for the feedback.

2.1.2: This is probably my fault because I think that preceding ellipses are awkward in English.
2.7.1: I considered putting "wow..." or "is really nice..." there but never brought it up since I wasn't sure whether to be more accurate or more natural, so it was left as it is.
5.3.3: You're right on this, entirely my fault.
9.6.2: My original translation was "It comes with the flow of time~", but I got push back, so I just deferred. I could've been more firm I guess.

Chapter 7
1.4.2: I didn't even realized this changed. My translation was "She's mad at us!?"

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