So, is there a way to filter out specific releasers so I don't have to see this appear on my follows list? It's sort of annoying to see versions that I don't need (or want) to view popping up on my list.
@abdellbobo make no mistake, I think you're a fucking asshole and a thief. On any other respectable site you'd have been banned by now. Yet here we are.
Ability to "unfollow" specific users, making their uploads invisible. Take that up in the suggestion box in the forums. And anyone here who hates these "meme-lators', should support it.
Man even putting the stolen scanlation issue aside, these are some pretty terrible coloring. Where's the effort? It's all just filling in colors lazily without any redrawing or touching up. There's not even any lighting/shading work.
Seriously if Sexy Akiba Detectives cared about this crap they would just ask Mangadex to remove their release. They don't, so we have to bear with this child coloring book.
* Only Sexy Akiba Detectives have the right to object to their scanlation being used.
* I am not sure if your report is something meaningful because it is not your scanlation.
* Reporting it to Sexy Akiba Detectives might be more meaningful.