Goodbye, In-law!

Mar 15, 2020
How do you guys read the raws 😭 I can't read on daum cuz I need a Korean number and I don't know how to purchase coins there. I really wanna read this even if it's just the raws. PLEASE HELP ME 😭
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2019
After caught up to chap 36 I just saw a summary and seriously the ending is so unsatisfying I feel like I wasted my time now.

@sharonmyoui Apparenlty after the manhwa is finished you can no longer read raw for free in their official site (?) I have here a summary if you are interested
TL DR; It's a
ending for me,
All the fluff is wasted and turned into smoke, gone, reduced to atoms...

Summary till end
So basically The sister's ML (Mirim) starts an internship in Brother-in-law (Hyung) company and he falls even harder for her, while she starts getting uneasy because she also starts liking him(since she is 'dating' someone or close to) ... Then Hyung confesses and asks her out but she rejects him because she is seeing Kang Sejun Sunbae (Aka the true stalker, :)shocking:)biggest scumbag, and important to the ending :()
After this and the multiple failures to avoid Hyung and Mirim to meet, they decide to finally change their tactics and in the dairy, some more info about the staler makes them start investing the first suspect Gujong, the 'molester' / clingy guy from the first few chaps. Further, into this Gujong, they come to the conclusion that though he is not a good guy, he is too dumb to stalk Mirim to that extend so its someone else. At this point, Hyung has a car accident with a red car, like in the first timeline, where the newlywed's couple have an accident with a red car, and guess who owns a red car? yes Sunbae (Hyung is not badly hurt, it's ok :) )
So after going throw all these details Da-ae and Han-Eol actually (finally, tho I didn't understand all the process ) conclude that Sunbae was in fact the true antagonist all along. during this time Mirim also founds shocking pieces of evidence (stalking pictures and other stuff) on Sunbae goods that prove that he was his stalker :)shocking:). Since Da-ae and Han-Eol already know Sunbae true character, they worry to go rescue Mirim and get Hyung to help them. Da-ae receives a call from her sister but its Sunbae and tells her that he is taking her somewhere and ask for the 3 of them to meet them there. He then adds the truly mindblowing sentence: "Hyung (Han-Eol's brother) already had your sister once, why can't I have her in this life?".
Da-ae and Haneol realize that they weren't the only time travelers, that Sunbae tried to get Mirim before and failed so he killed them, and now he is trying to do it again.
So after meeting, Sunbae threatens to kill Mirim and everyone there because he thinks this will break the time travel thing and make him revive to the original timeline, but chad-Hyung somehow gets an upper hand and saves the day and Mirim. Sunbae starts running from them but Da-ae doesn't let him escape, goes ahead, only to get outplayed and pinned down, close to gets slashed on the face (I guess its a big deal since on the story, they multiple time are worried about her body because she would be a model and with a big scar on the face, that would be no good ). Han-Eol comes last second and saves her, only to get slashed instead. Then Police arrive, Sunbae runs off and jumps off the rooftop since he failed everything, and also he is just a waste of oxygen. After all, this is finally over, and everyone would be happy ??? Da-ae faints, and wakes up in the hospital, with her mother and sister close to her, BUT Da-ae is older (so is everyone else ofc). So then she asks what happened, where is Han-Eol, and brother in law? Mirim is confused, saying she is not married ............... shock, and then Han-Eol comes in, to which Mirim tells Da-ae, that his husband his here... But her reaction is like "How can I be married to this bastard ?" Han-Eol gets the sad face and asks her what are her last memories, she says that what she last remembers is them fighting in front of a truck and basically she forgot everything that happened during the time travel. --- At this I was 100% depressed about this turning of events, wh would she have amnesia ? or why did she lose her memories?
We see Hyung confessing that he liked Mirim for 8 years although at that time she already had a boyfriend. Mirim responded saying why is he saying it after all this time and then said they should just consider each other as in-laws :( -- Basically the author is trying to put a role reversal into the two main couples, I hate this. Then, Hyung asked if Mirim is currently dating? Mirim said no. Hyung asked if she likes someone at present, asking her on a date, showing he still has feelings for her until now! Then they hugged!!
A year later, they got married. Within that one year, Da-ae’s memories are slowly recovering, for example, she remembers he 'deep' kiss they had in the school infirmary, the one who was teased during such a long time, was finally showed, she saw it during a dream. She wakes up and goes for Han-Eol because even if they are married since she doesn't remember most of it yet, they sleep apart. She talks to him thy gets close and then they go into the bedroom, (for the bride's skinship ;) ) But she still didn’t remember her own wedding, (sad) they tease that they will do a remind-wedding next year, but we never actually see it...
Basically all the wholesome/fluff moments that happened with Mirim and Hyung are erased, and all the moments with Da-ae are forgotten for her... This ending is nonsense
It should have been the reverse, Mirim and Hyung are already married and Da-ae with Han-Eol actually confessing to each other, in the present while remembering all those time travel exp. ... Don't just throw away 8 years of dating like its nothing, and that twice. I'm tilted, shocked, and sad. why Korean manhwas have always such a bad development/ ending? I liked the third time traveler thing but that amnesia, really? then the couple situation shift ?? for real?
At least both couples are together I guess? but bittersweet...
Best thing from all this mess :
Another manhwa pretty similar plot but only the girl time travels, and they are even cuter and more adorable than in this! I recommend it if you like this one (tho after this ending I doubt)
Mar 15, 2020
@WhiteEkans I... don't really know what to feel LOL. But still I want to read it so I guess I'll just patiently wait for the trans 😩 Anyways thank you so much

I'll also try reading your recommendation 😉
Mar 19, 2020
Big sister and big brother are destined ❤️ A little detour won’t stop them from falling in love. I hope our two main character gets their chance too!
Jan 21, 2020
wAiT whAT
hoLD uPP
^ch.38 last panel

also i loveee this new cover muah
honestly they're so cute together 😩
Jul 29, 2020
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2020
Because of a misunderstanding 8 years ago, Jung Da-ae and Lee Han-eol are mortal enemies.
Enemies turned lovers? My favorite trope! I'm in, say no more!

To make things worse, their siblings get married making these two in-laws!
And they have to spend time together in family gatherings and suff. I love it.

But then the bride and groom are killed in an unfortunate accident.
Oh my god! I see, so now they have to take care of their baby, and act like a family! Wonderful concept! Can't wait to-

In a moment of mourning and arguing in the middle of the road, Jung Da-ae and Lee Han-eol are hit by a truck, killed
Haha. Wait... What?!

and transported back to when they were in high school!

Is this their chance to fix everything?!
Apr 14, 2019
fuck dude if ur hesitating on reading this. READ IT! I look forward to a new release everytime. It's so fucking good
May 8, 2020
I am at end of season 1 and I would like to thank for working on this story :)
I enjoy to read it a lot !!
May 14, 2019
@ylvskij because the original publication is complete. not the translation. however, all chapters are there till the ending of the story for translation teams to finish.
Jul 17, 2020
Like most of the comments below, I agree that this story is very good. There are a lot of timetravel stories out there, but not all are able to wield it as interestingly as this story can, and do it with a lot of heart too. You get to watch the relationship of the main leads transform (their chemistry is amazing btw) and also get to see how their personalities and beliefs cause friction with one another and those around you.
You’ll find yourself asking yourself truly — which is better, life without love or love without life?
Giving this 9/10.
Dec 2, 2018
I like this story enough to purchase the original volumes in Korean. Anyone know how it would be possible to purchase the books and have them shipped to the US?
The books even come with ID cards of everyone.
This story is too nice to not support the author by buying the books.

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