People ignorant of what was happening in Korea pre & during world war 2 thinking the mother was doing "to much" lol.
This is a war, and unlike in the western part of the world is was much,much worst in the eastern countries,Europe also actually had the war on its shore unlike the america's. Its easy to say they are going to far if you don't know what is happening and what is fully at stake 🙄
ergo the mass rape,and sexual slavery of millions of not just Korean,Chinese,Indonesian and any young woman the Japanese imperialist could get their hands on from the neighboring asian countires they subjugated [research comfort woman for more information]. The infamous Rape of Nanjin/Nanjin massacure that will happen later. Experimentation of all the non-Japanese boys abducted before and during the war. People in the western world always seem to remember what the Nazi's did human experimentation but not Japan [many of who,didn't get convicted in war trials because America wanted to get their hands on the details of said experiments,and a broken Korea could not stand against a powerful nation like America that just showed of their new nuclear weapon]. and of course Japan forced their new foreign slaves to to fight on the Japanese side while they were doing this to their people. War is not a game,and leaving anything to chance when the vast majority of your country men & woman are getting raped/killed and experimented on to protect one person is completely and end that justifies the means. This is an issue of making a historical comic for your home country of Korea which is taught in schools and having it end up in other languages from people that are ignorant or uninterested in knowing what happened. This is situation is what the American slogon of “lose lips sink ships” means. And why people were so terrified of possible spy’s in America and the "Red scare". One person can destroy an entire operations and their was really no way they could have known she was telling the truth or not.