Gourmet Gaming

Aug 26, 2019
@pato yeah, the VR games in this sort of manga always have the weirdest most contrived logout and character creation rules. I mean a game that only lets you use your real life appearance? That would lead to all sorts of sexual harassment. on the plus side I have learned a lot about Korean cuisine and an MC the wields a frying pan is pretty funny.
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
but isekai is kinda overused (so are VR games but isekai is more so)
i agree with you though :>
Dec 18, 2018
I don't get why they keep making manga like this where they're supposed to be in a game, but nobody acts like it's a game. Since it's a game, everything that happens has basically no consequences, but the characters still act like it's super serious business.

Nobody would be shitting themselves this hard over being "forced" to join a guild. And nobody would go that far to get someone to join a guild. It just doesn't matter.

Suspension of disbelief just isn't possible with something that takes itself this seriously.
Aug 28, 2019
You guys are really going hard on this manhwa huh, take it easy lol, it's a comic about a dude who literally loves eating, seeing people criticizing on a story that's supposed to be easygoing on its flaws is just low key cringe ngl, yes its bad/generic/overused plot or storyline yadayadayada and we know that, its like shitting on a kid's drawing, it has flaws and we know it's bad but do you really need to go out to your way to do this? Is it necessary? It's a kid's drawing so it's not meant to be taken seriously (in this case, the easygoing theme/thing the author's going here) so chill

I just think all this criticism is unnecessary, it's an isekai (technically VR but whatever) with a title like that, what do you expect?

And as for the disease name thing, while author didn't do his proper research, he clearly did not mean it so just let it slide/cut him some slack
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
strangely wholesome even without cute charackters any apparent romance or drama probably because the mc is suffering from an urge i can understand only all to well eating/drinking delicious things until you drop others may but understand that particular vice but we each have our own don't we?

also the percentage of good natured people in this comic is very high compared to real life and the mc has the strange ability of bringing out the best in them which is the reason i like this work as a nice break from the ugly reality of live

in the end the author chose just the right settings to make this nice world believeable including an mc whoms goals run parallel to the normal goals of charackters in the same setting which also reduces conflict potential and contributes to wholesome world shown in this work
Oct 12, 2019
Tsk. I thought there would be mass upload of the chaps but it did not happen.
Now the chapters are not even uploaded weekly
Jun 14, 2020
Bulimia really? Only 2 people in the world? I’ll read it cause comments are nice but this author my have down syndrome
Apr 2, 2020
Using a condition to criticise the author? How about "The author should have done some research" or "The author should have used a different explanation" or "The author is dumb for saying 2 people when in the US alone over 6 million peole have it"
I know the explanation is not thought through, heck, saying 0.2% of people have it would have worked 10x better
but please dont use other conditions people experience and live with as insults, it's crude
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2018
The worst therapy ever... The dude have eating disorder, letting him overeating inside the game will only make it harder to control his eating habit outside the game. The dude will depend on game in his entire life... from eating addict to game addict.
Oct 14, 2020
Honestly every time I come across this manhwa when I’m searching on mangadex it’s so upsetting, seeing the stupid description and seeing what the joke of an author thinks of bulimia is disgusting.

I was told how having bulimia felt by my friend and food for them wasn’t something they felt they could enjoy nor could they even look at, the process of purging for them was cathartic and it helped them feel like weight was being taken off their shoulders because they felt so disgusted with their own body they couldn’t stand to eat anything because it felt like they would get fatter. I also suffer from an eating disorder although not as severe and I’ve thought about what purging would be like at times and if it would help me feel a little less disgusted in my own skin.
Having an issue like this be trivialised and have a real life condition turned into a whole other disease and ignoring how much people suffer from this - especially since this is published in a country that will have plenty of people who suffer from eating disorders - makes me so angry and sad at the same time.
Sep 4, 2019
Seeing the comment section for this manhwa is really sad, feels like most of you guys are hating it just for the description and like,, first 1-2 chapters?
While I also disagree with the name of the disorder, one of the translations does point out how he does have symptoms of an ED in the notes (mass eating and exercising) < Perhaps you guys should just think of it as a fictional ED where one has a forever insatiable appetite that just so happens to share the same name as the real ED?
Overall, this is a light-hearted manhwa about finding ingredients and cooking it to make delicious food. The mc might seem op but he does put a lot of effort (by channeling his appetite lol) into leveling up. Of course, it does hit some sad notes regarding his ED (+ self-esteem issues) but the mc and irl supporting characters work earnestly to overcome these issues. I really enjoy the mc's relationships with other characters and just the bliss of eating good food (w/o consequences).
May 3, 2019
I really do love this manhwa. Every time I read it I'm getting hungry. Moreover, minhyuk is so cute and strong. I love to see his face.❤
Thanks for the update.
Looking forward to the next chapter!

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